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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Mentioned-only character
Biography and appearance
RoleReligious figure
Mentioned inFallout

Dharma was a great, religious man. You would do well to listen closely to his sayings.

— Aradesh

Some people in Shady Sands say that they are the followers of Dharma. In our world, dharma is a Sanskrit word roughly translatable as "law" or "the way", and, for practicing Buddhists, dharma is used to mean the teachings of the Buddha.

Aradesh says that Dharma was a great religious man. It is unknown whether he means Buddha or some other pre-War or post-war religious leader of some new dharmic religion. Characters who reference Dharma in the game are Aradesh, Agatha, Seth and Katrina.


Quoted by Aradesh and Agatha:

  • "Greetings, wanderer. Please do not be offended if the gentlefolk about seem rude. As Dharma said, 'Tough times tan the human hide.' Your business in Shady Sands might be?" (Aradesh)
  • "As Dharma said, 'Caution is life in troubled times.' Your origin is not the issue. Your intent is." (Aradesh)
  • "Dharma said, 'A man and his wayward tongue are soon parted.' Come back when you have learned some manners." (Aradesh)
  • "We are a very protective community. As Dharma said, 'Many sticks can be broken. A bundle cannot.'" (Aradesh)
  • "Dharma said, 'Heed not the call of the wolf when the fox is raiding the hen house.'" (Aradesh)
  • "As Dharma said, 'Those who tend their own flock, know the shepherd.'" (Aradesh)
  • "As Dharma said, 'While you are out hunting the wolves, do not bring the lion to your den.' If you will not help, you must leave here." (Aradesh)
  • "Thank you. Dharma always said that the farmer who plants politeness will walk easy when the season is over." (Agatha)

His direct quotes[]

  • "Tough times tan the human hide."
  • "Caution is life in troubled times."
  • "A man and his wayward tongue are soon parted."
  • "Many sticks can be broken. A bundle cannot."
  • "Heed not the call of the wolf when the fox is raiding the hen house."
  • "Those who tend their own flock, know the shepherd."
  • "While you are out hunting the wolves, do not bring the lion to your den."
  • "The farmer who plants politeness will walk easy when the season is over."

Appearances in games[]

Dharma is mentioned only in the first Fallout.
