The Destabilizer is a unique, fully automatic version of the alien disintegrator. Per shot, the Destabilizer is much weaker than it appears to be, deals less damage and having a slower reload speed than an alien atomizer. Like an assault rifle, the Pip-Boy displays an accurate total of damage per second, not per shot. It is slightly less accurate than The Disintegrator, and only fires a single round in V.A.T.S., despite being automatic. This, coupled with a higher AP cost, makes the Destabilizer a poor weapon for heavy V.A.T.S. usage.
The Destabilizer can fire 1666 bolts before breaking.
This weapon is found in the weapons lab's shooting range, after beaming up from the space walk and proceeding through the observation deck. It is in the same room as where the Xenotech Expert perk is obtained. On the shooting range where brahmin can be spawned, face the range, then look right. The Destabilizer should be on a low shelf next to you. It is the only item on that shelf.
PC Like its normal counterpart, the Destabilizer has a Small Guns icon when assigned to a hotkey in the Pip-Boy.