While guarding the entrance to Megaton, Deputy Weld offers travelers some information about Megaton. This information includes local services, reminders of the law, and reassurances that the atomic bomb in the town center is completely safe.[1]
If the Lone Wanderer decides to destroy Megaton, Deputy Weld's faceplate will survive the atomic explosion and continue to welcome people to Megaton, albeit in a garbled manner, and state that the bomb is safe. The faceplate can be dragged around.
Deputy Weld can be deactivated by hacking a computer terminal in in the Megaton armory. A skill of 75 is required to hack it, and the Lone Wanderer can also deactivate Deputy Steel. If the Lone Wanderer uses the Robotics Expert perk to sneak-deactivate him, he still says his phrases and later on in the game will return to normal.
Deputy Weld will respawn after a while if he is killed.
"Welcome to Megaton. The bomb is perfectly safe. We promise."
"Welcome to Megaton. Friendliest town around."
"Have yourself a nice visit, partner."
"Ya’ll be careful with that thar weapon, ya hear?"
"Thirsty partner? Try Moriarty's. Coldest drinks in the Capital Wasteland."
"Need some grub? Try the Brass Lantern."
PCPlayStation 3 If Deputy Weld is killed in the firefight between Megaton settlers and the Brotherhood of Steel soldiers accompanying the water caravan, he may later be found wandering the wastes in the vicinity of Megaton, still saying "Welcome to Megaton."
PlayStation 3 Even when you have not Blown up Megaton Deputy Weld could be found dead yet later found back out the front of Megaton.