Demolition charges are intended for use in construction rather than combat. These explosives were initially shipped to the Sierra Madre resort,[1] where they were used to clear rock and other obstructions to allow construction of the Villa. Later, codes for the Sierra Madre vending machine were utilized to create demolition charges in addition to other tools.[2]
The demolition charge is a placed explosive device, identical in function to a frag mine but with a black striped yellow casing and a bright yellow arming light. Though it was intended to be used in construction, the charge activates whenever a land-based target approaches within 4.6 feet[3] and detonates in a 9-foot[4] after a three second timer elapses. The target's explosive skill (or lack thereof) can determine how long the countdown actually lasts.
As a weapon, it does exactly one more point of damage than a frag mine, but only if you hit the opponent directly with the thrown mine. It weighs three times more, but requires no Explosives skill to use.
Can be purchased once the appropriate holotape has been added to the player's inventory. The code can be found on a terminal in the Puesta del Solservice route.
PCPlayStation 3Xbox 360 After the weapon is thrown, it is detected as a frag mine and will be put back in your inventory as such when you take it.
PCPlayStation 3Xbox 360 The Sierra Madre vending machines display the demo charge as weighing 2 lbs, not 1.5.