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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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For an overview this book throughout the Fallout series, see Dean's Electronics.
Dean's Electronics
Dean's Electronics
Icon Deans Electronics
Effects+3 Repair
(+4 with Comprehension)
Base ID0003403d

Dean's Electronics is a series of books designed for amateur electricians, in Fallout: New Vegas.


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A pre-War series of books designed for amateur electricians, Dean's Electronics has been written using shocking breakthroughs in learning methods to effectively teach about the secrets of electronics.[1]

Gameplay attributes[]

Reading this book permanently increases the player's Repair skill by 3 points (4 with the Comprehension perk).


With the add-on Old World Blues, this skill book can be crafted by the player.

1 Dean's Electronics
Note: the recipe is consumed as part of the crafting process - meaning only one book can be crafted.


Other than being crafted, the skill book can be found in the following locations.

Closest map markerLocation description
Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker Dead MoneyGametitle-FNV DMOn the metal sill, opposite the reloading bench, in the area with the office. Though the location exists without the add-on, it is sealed by a keyless lock. Note: If the game is unpatched (installed straight from disk without being patched), the door will be unlocked and you will be able to enter and get the book.
Nellis Air Force BaseInside Loyal's house, on the long counter next to the ruined terminal (must be stolen).
Hopeville Missile Silo Bunker Lonesome RoadGametitle-FNV LRWhen walking into the room with the first missile, the book is located to the left in some rubble.(Left of the stairs)
Puesta del Sol switching station Dead MoneyGametitle-FNV DMPuesta del Sol Switching Station in the south center of the map on the upper level next to the terminal that shuts off power to the protected speakers. It is very difficult, but possible, to reach without Christine (her perk delays the speakers) and disarm the trip wire before your collar detonates.
SloanIn the Worker Barracks, on the top shelf to your left as you enter (must be stolen). A Duck and Cover! can be found in the same building.
Southern Nevada Wind FarmIn the shack, on the table with the clipboard and scrap metal.


  1. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.87: "Dean's Electronics
    Shocking breakthroughs in teaching methods allow you to learn about a variety of electronics. Your Repair Skill will certainty benefit from this additional knowledge.
    Cost: $130"