The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Dead Wind cavern
22380 20180918104910 1
22380 20180918105026 1
22380 20180918104941 1
Icon cave
Dead Wind Cavern loc
Map MarkerDead Wind Cavern
Cell NameSLDeadWindCavern (exterior)
SLDeadWindCavernINT (interior)
ref id00164e29 (exterior)
000e1919 (interior)

Dead Wind cavern is a location in Fallout: New Vegas. Located near Primm Pass, south of Harper's shack, it's a high level location filled with all manner of deathclaws, up to the legendary deathclaw.


The cave is large and filled to the brim with deathclaws. Absolutely not for the faint of heart. It's divided into four chambers: The entrance, the central hub, the mother's lair, and the rear chamber.

The entrance leads into a small chamber, which requires the player to double back and head east, into the corridor just north of the entrance to move deeper into the cave. The corridor connects into a large, circular chamber, which leads to two areas. The northern one is a dead end, leading to the mother's lair. As the name suggests, it contains a mother deathclaw with a few baby deathclaws, together with a pile of deathclaw eggs that can be used to complete Bleed Me Dry. There's also a skeleton with a duffle bag on the floor.

The eastern exit leads into a third chamber, shaped like a crescent. Beyond the usual two deathclaws and the legendary deathclaw, there's a dead Brotherhood of Steel Paladin with a set of Brotherhood T-45d power armor and a T-45d power helmet, laying beside Mercy (a unique 40mm grenade machinegun) and a supply of 40mm grenades of both explosive and incendiary types on her body.

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]

  • Bleed Me Dry: The Dead Wind cavern is one of the locations where the pile of deathclaw eggs for Red Lucy can be found.


Dead Wind cavern appears in Fallout: New Vegas.
