The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Dead Money jumpsuit
Dead Money jumpsuit
Icon red jumpsuit
DT0Item HP100
EffectsRepair +5
RobCo jumpsuit
Light armor & clothing
base idxx00f3a4
Gametitle-FNV DM
Gametitle-FNV DM

The Dead Money jumpsuit is a piece of clothing in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.


Father Elijah took these jumpsuits from the Yangtze camp survivors who were stationed at Little Yangtze at Big MT. He also got the bomb collars from the Big MT that he locks onto the Courier and the rest of the Sierra Madre crew, and tested them on the Yangtze camp survivors.


It provides no damage threshold, but grants a bonus of 5 to the Repair skill. It is a light gray jumpsuit with a red "X" on the back making it similar to the Legion slave outfit. The Courier is wearing this when they wake up after being brought to the Sierra Madre by Dog. This clothing is similar to the civilian engineer jumpsuit, the only difference being that the civilian engineer jumpsuit has no red "X" on the back.



  • PCIcon pc When picked up it will begin to rotate in the air