The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Dan The Brahmin Man
Dan (Fallout)
Biography and appearance
AffiliationAll Hub trading companies
RoleBusiness man
LocationHub entrance
FamilyDan's Wife (wife)
Dialogue FileDAN.MSG
SPECIALStrength: 8
Perception: 8
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 5
Luck: 6
Derived StatsHit points: 45
Armor class: 5
Action points: 7
Carry weight: 225
Unarmed damage: 0
Melee damage: 3
Sequence: 16
Healing rate: 1
Experience points: 125
Normal DT/DR: 0/0%
Laser DT/DR: 0/0%
Fire DT/DR: 0/0%
Plasma DT/DR: 0/0%
Electrical DT/DR: 0/0%
EMP DT/DR: 0/500%
Explode DT/DR: 0/0%
Tag SkillsSmall Guns: 60%
Big Guns: 55%
Unarmed: 86%
Melee Weapons: 76%
Throwing: 40%
Proto id00000111 (Dan)

I manage the care for perddy much all of the Caravan's wagons and Brahmin in these parts. If they ever need anything for their caravans, I'm the one they talk to. Hell, the Big Three deal with me exclusively.

Dan is one of the earliest brahmin Barons and the largest brahmin dealer in the Hub in Fallout.


When it comes to caravans, the merchant houses need two things: brahmin and wagon carts. Dan has pretty much monopolized the market when it comes to these two commodities. As a result, the Big Three (Crimson Caravan, Far Go Traders, and Water Merchants) deal with him exclusively. Dan also works closely with a lot of smaller caravan outfits throughout the wastes.[1]

He has an unmistakable, Wild West manner of speaking and is generally a pretty easy going person to work with. That is, as long as you aren't a kid put into his care, like Billy, a kid who was found stealing and put under Dan's watch as part of the rehabilitation process. Given the fact that the alternative was prison or exile, Dan's actually a pretty forgiving sentence.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character has no special interactions.

Other interactions[]

  • Dan can shed light on the politics and economy of the Hub.


Icon armored vault suit
Assault carbine icon
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


Dan appears only in Fallout.


  1. The Vault Dweller: "{107}{}{Uh, what services do you offer, exactly?}"
    Dan: "{110}{}{Why, I manage the care for perddy much all of the Caravan's wagons and Brahmin in these parts. If they ever need anything for their caravans, I'm the one they talk to. Hell, the Big Three deal with me exclusively.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{111}{}{Who are the Big Three?}"
    Dan: "{118}{}{Damn, son. Have ya' been locked up all yer life in a cave or somethin'? The Big Three are the three largest Merchant groups in the world. Well, okay, maybe not the world, but they sure as hell cover a large portion; 'bout as far as yer eye can see.}"
  2. The Vault Dweller: "{162}{}{Why the hell where you yelling at that poor kid?!}"
    Dan: "{168}{}{Look, that kid was caught stealin'. The police put'm in my care ta straighten'm out.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{173}{}{That still doesn't justify the way you're treating him!}"
    Dan: "{175}{}{I may not be the best role model in this damn city, but I'm the only one who cares and is willing ta try to help. What have ya' done to improve society?}"