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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For an overview of cyberdogs in the Fallout universe, see cyberdog.
LocationBig MT
Military cyberdog
Police cyberdog
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV OWB
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV OWB

If you think braving the cyberdogs of X-8 makes you... brave, intruder. It is no use. All cyberdogs are under my command, and they will bite you.

Dr. Mobius

Cyberdogs are creatures in predominately at Big MT and in the Mojave Wasteland.


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Cyberdogs are dogs which, in the classic cyborg tradition, incorporate both organic and mechanical parts in their being. The abilities of individual cyberdogs vary from dog to dog, but as a rule they are physically superior to their organic counterparts.

Cyberdogs are rare and creating one is extremely difficult, requiring both a high degree of technical sophistication and generalized breeding and training programs. As such, they have only been utilized in scale by technologically advanced organizations such as the pre-War US government, the Enclave and Big MT. Big MT even took things one step further and created weapons (like the K9000) which used a dogs brain as its central processor and could sniff out and lock onto targets.[1]

In addition to military grade dogs, Big MT also produced lesser variants for the nation's more affluent police departments, allegedly to sniff out communists within society.[2] Denver in particular had a large supply of cyber police dogs, and they still roam the streets.[3]



Cyberdogs have had parts of their anatomy that are worked the most often (such as the legs and internal organs) replaced with replaceable mechanical assemblies. In addition, their brains have been removed from their skulls and placed in a protective casing atop their head which allows them to check both their organic and mechanical systems and fictions. The mandible has been replaced with a robotic jaw and metal bottom teeth, enabling them to bite with more force.

Gameplay attributes[]

Cyberdogs are mid-level creatures that can be a difficult encounter if in a pack or the player in under-equipped. Only one cyberdog (Rex) lives in the Mojave Wasteland; cyberdogs are much more abundant in Big MT.

These cyberdogs often travel in packs of two to three and are capable of using a sonic bark that can cripple the players head. Otherwise, they will use a leaping bite attack which can knock the player down.



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The latest version of the Cyberhound model series, the support model was a special model meant for chem searches and assisting an accompanying officer during patrols. Presumably, most pre-War police stations employed the use of the Mk III, such as the Denver City Police Department, before the Great War. After the war, however, most cyberdogs became part of the wild dog packs of Dog City, but after Caesar's Legion assimilation of the Hangdogs tribe, remaining cyberdogs, in the case of Rex for example, were used by the Legion for regular raids and assimilation of tribes.

The cyberdog is a non-militarized version of the police/military cyberdog. It was most likely used for companionship rather than combat, as it relies on its speed and bite strength alone for defense. When traveling to Fortification Hill, speaking to Antony will trigger a comment that he has seen similar cyberdogs in Denver, Colorado.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
AttackIcon attack
Melee (80 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Sonic bark (36 DamageIcon damage)

Military cyberdog[]

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The military cyberdog has a sonic bark used as a weapon, and has a chance to knock down the player with its melee attack. They also seem to have the ability to self heal themselves, similar to the MKII Securitrons.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Military cyberdog
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
AttackIcon attack
Melee (40 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Sonic bark (36 DamageIcon damage)

Police cyberdog[]

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A slightly weaker variety of the military cyberdog, police cyberdogs may contain several types of small energy cells on death. They can be distinguished from military cyberdogs by their unique black and white paint, as well as the red and blue reflective patches on their backs.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Police cyberdog
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
GroupIcon group
Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (30 DamageIcon damage)
  • DeadIcon dead None


  • Rex, a cyberdog, is obtainable as a companion by speaking with The King in Freeside.
  • In Old World Blues, a police cyberdog named Roxie can be created at the X-8 research center (by splicing a robot and a dog together), becoming a temporary companion for the Courier. Roxie will accompany you inside the facility but will not follow you outside, waiting instead near the entrance door. If she dies, Roxie can be "revived" by creating another cyberdog.
  • The cyberdogs in Old World Blues are unaffected by the Animal Friend perk.
  • If you have the Wild Wasteland trait when passing the room in the X-8 research center where the dogs are normally being educated, they will instead be playing poker.


Cyberdogs appear in Fallout: New Vegas and its add-on Old World Blues.


  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 If the cyberdogs in Old World Blues are close enough to bite you, attempting to shoot them in V.A.T.S. mode may be completely ineffective, causing all your shots to miss even if the weapon appears to be pointing directly at them. The brush gun is notorious for this issue.



  1. Terminal, Check out this mod I've been working on!
  2. Old World Blues endings, X-8 Research Center: "As the Courier ran through the X-8 facility multiple times, the computers analyzed the test subject's movements. Rather than performing a superficial observation, they realized the subject barely knew what Communism was - or even what a high school was. This confused them for a time, until the facility finally realized that its research had... succeeded. So it let its Cyberdogs out into the wastes to help protect small communities from physical aggression rather than communist propaganda."
  3. The Courier: "They have cyber-dogs in Denver?"
    Antony: "Not too common but you still see 'em around."
    The Courier: "I could use Lupa's brain to fix my cyber-dog."
    Antony: "Cyber-dog? Like the ones I've seen up in Denver? I know what you're talking about, and it would make Lupa immortal in a way."
    Antony: "The mechanical dog you have with you - where did you get it?"
    The Courier: "Rex? I picked him up in New Vegas."
    Antony: "Oh? Such things are common in Denver, but I didn't know that other cities had them as well."
    (Antony's dialogue)