The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Crypts are one of the two gangs of Scrapheap in 2161. They are a gang of leather-clad men and women seeking to control the entirety of Scrapheap in the Fallout 1 Demo.


The Crypts vied for control of the entirety of the Scrapheap, and as such their control of the sole power generator in the town gives them an advantage.


The Crypts have a very rudimentary organization, with Rayze single-handedly in control of the gang.

Relations With the Outside[]

As the Scrapheap only exists in boundaries of the Fallout 1 Demo, their interactions with the rest of the Wasteland are extremely limited. Within the town itself, they are at odds with a rival gang known as the Fools, who occupy the Scrapheap garage.


Most Crypt members use 10mm SMGs and various melee weapons, while their leader, posses a Rockwell CZ-53 personal minigun.


The Crypts only appear in the Fallout 1 demo
