The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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For the cut makeshift weapon that was to appear in Fallout 3, see Cryolator (Fallout 3).
Fo4 Cryolator
TypeHeavy weapon
Damage21 (continuous)
Damage TypeEnergy
Ammo TypeCryo round
Ammo Cap.25
Attack Rate9 rps
Standard: 18.28 m (59.97 ft)
Crystallizing: 58.49 m (191.9 ft)
Weapon Modification
SlotsBarrel, Stock, Sights
Editor IDCryolator
Base ID00171b2b

The Cryolator is a powerful prototype rifle that can completely freeze enemies.

Fallout 4 loading screen hints

The Cryolator is a unique weapon in Fallout 4.


While waiting to the all-clear signal from Vault-Tec, the overseer of Vault 111 tinkered with some components and chemicals around the Vault. The Cryolator was the result, a prototype that made cryonic freezing portable.[1]


The Cryolator is similar to the flamer, but propels super-chilled nitrogen gas instead of flammable liquid fuel.[2][3] Consistent exposure to the cloud of cryonic material will eventually freeze most enemies (although large enemies like super mutant behemoths and mirelurk queens cannot be frozen).

The weapon uses rare and expensive ammunition rapidly, meaning discretion must be exercised for continuous use of this weapon. The crystallizing barrel modification remedies this issue by enabling the Cryolator to fire individual cryonic capsules. In addition to being more ammunition friendly, these capsules deal additional ballistic damage. Because it is a heavy weapon, the Cryolator therefore benefits from the Heavy Gunner perk.



Name Damage Fire rate Range Accuracy Weight Value Cost Required perks
Standard -15% AP cost

-3% sighted transition

5 x Base Circuitry 2
Glass 3
Plastic 3
Screw 3
Steel 4
Crystallizing Shoots cryogenic capsules: +20 (physical) +10% AP cost

+3% iron sights transition

16 x Base +40% (sighted)

-50% (hip fire)

-15% recoil

+50% +20% Adhesive 4
Circuitry 4
Fiber optics 3
Glass 3
Plastic 7
Screw 6
Steel 7


Name Fire Rate Accuracy Weight Value Cost Required perks
Standard +20% AP cost

+10% iron sights transition

+7% stability

+40% sighted accuracy

-20% recoil

+30% +30% Adhesive 6
Plastic 2
Screw 8
Steel 13
Recoil compensating stock +20% AP cost

+10% iron sights transition

+7% stability

+60% sighted accuracy

-30% recoil

+45% +50% Adhesive 6
Aluminum 11
Fiberglass 11
Rubber 1
Screw 8
Spring 6


Name Fire rate Accuracy Weight Value Cost Required perks
Standard +2.5% +2.5% Adhesive 1
Plastic 2
Steel 2
Glow sights -7.5% AP cost

-5% iron sights transition

+10% sighted accuracy +2.5% +10% Adhesive 3
Nuclear material 2
Plastic 3
Steel 3


  • The Cryolater is in the Master-locked case in the Vault 111 Overseer office. However, it can also be retrieved before obtaining the third rank of Locksmith by commanding Dogmeat to find nearby weapons, since he can bypass locked containers.

