Little is known about Cromwell's past. 44 years old in 2277, he was born in 2233 and arrived in Megaton when he was in his early 20s. The church granted him permission to stay due to the blessing and high standing of his predecessor in the church, who fostered him in the ways of Atom. Eventually, Cromwell proved to be a valuable resource in protecting and aiding the town, and he became an eccentric distraction to most of the citizens of Megaton. He is married to Mother Maya, his counterpart in the church.[1]
Daily schedule[]
He can be seen standing in the center of town, next to the bomb and praying to it in ankle-deep irradiated water. He even beseeches Atom to "shape his fragile form." He is heard preaching to his audience about the teachings of the Children of Atom, mainly on the subject of "birthing a thousand stars", relating to his (and the children of atoms) belief that inside every atom is an entire universe. No matter how long you sit there and listen, he will never stop talking.
Church Donations: Donating to the Children of Atom through the appropriate dialogue choice will result in good karma. The amount of karma gained is proportional to the amount of caps given to the church.
Other interactions[]
Cromwell will not turn hostile if the Megaton bomb is disarmed.
While he insists on pacifism and sobriety, the player can find a N99 10mm pistol and whiskey in his office.
↑Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.66: "Confessor Cromwell Little is known about Cromwell's past: He arrived in his early 20s (he's now 44) and was granted permission to stay due to the blessing and high standing of his successorQuoted verbatim, error appeared in the original source in the church, who fostered him in the ways of Atom. Eventually, Cromwell proved to be a valuable resource in protecting and aiding the town, and he became an eccentric distraction to most of the citizens of Megaton." (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)