Critical chance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Critical Chance is a derived statistic in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout Tactics and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics[]
The chance to cause a critical hit in combat is increased by this amount.
”— Fallout In-game descriptionAn Aimed Shot has a higher chance to score a critical hit than an unaimed shot. In Fallout Tactics, the Science skill also apparently has an effect on critical chance against robotic enemies.
- The Finesse trait increases the critical chance by 10%.
- The Heavy Handed trait has the negative side effect of a -30% critical chance.
- The More Criticals perk increases the critical chance by 5% per rank.
- The Sniper perk increases the critical chance to 10*Luck for ranged weapons.
- The Slayer perk increases the critical chance to 100% for melee weapons.
Fallout 3[]
Base Chance[]
Luck in the main base factor that determines the chances of a critical strike on a opponent.
Example: A starting Luck of 5.
- Maximum initial base is capped at 10%.
- Ninja perk can increase this limit by another +15% for Melee and Unarmed weapons.
- Finesse perk can increase this limit by another +5%.
- Survival Expert perk can increase this limit by another +3%.
- Strikes dealt in V.A.T.S have additional +15% critical chance added.
- Some weapons have 0% chance of a critical strike (see Critical Multiplier for detail of effects).
player.getav critchance
You can also check your critical chance with the console commandCritical Multiplier[]
All weapons have a critical multiplier that modifies the player's base critical chance to create a new percentage to score a critical hit. This may improve or hinder the player's ability to score a critical hit depending on the weapons Critical multiplier.
Example: A starting Luck of 5 and using a sniper rifle, which has a x5 Critical Multiplier.
- The critical multiplier for fully automatic weapons is much lower than for single-shot weapons.
- There are a few weapons that have a x 0 multiplier, which makes it impossible to score a critical hit
- For a detailed list of weapon critical multipliers see Fallout 3 weapons.
Weapon Condition[]
The final critical chance is also modified by weapon condition.[1]
For example, a character with 5 Luck and using a sniper rifle in 50% condition would have,
Fallout: New Vegas[]
The formulas for critical chance seem unchanged from Fallout 3. You receive 1% of critical chance for each point placed into Luck. At character creation you can add an additional 3% for all weapons by choosing the Built to Destroy trait.
- Attributes, perks and traits that increase critical chance include
- Luck (permanent +1-10%)
- Built to Destroy (permanent +3%)
- Light Touch¹ (temporary +5% while wearing any light armor)(Dead Money)
- Finesse (permanent +5%)
- Ninja² (permanent +15% for melee and unarmed weapons)
- Laser Commander¹ (permanent +10% with lasers).
- Set Lasers for Fun¹ (permanent +2/4% with energy weapons)
- Meat of Champions (temporary +1 Luck when eating a fresh corpse)
- Intense Training (permanent +1 Luck if selected)
- Luck Implant (permanent +1 Luck if purchased)
- ¹ The critical chance added by these perks is a flat bonus and is not affected by your weapon's critical multiplier.
- ² Ninja multiplies your total critical chance after all modifiers by 1.15; thus it adds 15% of your normal critical chance, not a flat 15% boost.
- Items that increase critical chance
- 1st Recon beret (+5%)
- Naughty nightwear (+1 Luck, effective +1%)
- True Police Stories (temporary +5% (+10% with Comprehension))
- Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System¹ (temporary +5% critical hit chance when using V.A.T.S.)
- Lucky shades (+1 Luck, effective +1%)
- Armor of the 87th Tribe (+3%)(Lonesome Road)
- Elite Riot Gear (+5%)(Lonesome Road)
- Ulysses' duster (+5%)(Lonesome Road)
- Joshua Graham's armor (+3%) (Honest Hearts)
- Salt-Upon-Wounds' helmet (+2%) (Honest Hearts)
- Marked beast face helmet (+2%) (Lonesome Road)
- ¹ The critical chance added by V.A.T.S. is a flat bonus and is not affected by your weapon's critical multiplier.
Currently, the highest possible critical chance that will be affected by your multiplier is 38% (10 Luck, Finesse, Built to Destroy, 1st Recon Beret, Elite Riot Gear/Ulysses' Duster, True Police Stories with Comprehension). As mentioned above, Light Touch, Laser Commander, Set Lasers for Fun, Ninja, and V.A.T.S. can further increase your chance.
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel[]
In Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, a critical hit allows to exceed the maximum limit of damage for a weapon.
Some weapons are very powerful with a high critical chance, such as the double-barrel shotgun or The Slugger and also the weapons in bursts.
An energy weapon with the skill Energy Charge or a Melee weapon with the skill Special Attack can be extremely powerful if the charged attack is a critical hit.
The chance to cause a critical hit in combat is increased by
Initial Level: Each character starts with a 1% critical chance.
- The Butcher skill (only Cain) increases the critical chance by 5% only for blades for each ranks until a total of 25%.
- The Desert Soldier skill (only female character) increases the critical chance by 5% only for conventional weapons (weapon that uses 9mm) for each ranks until a total of 25%.
- The Future Woman skill (only female character) increases the critical chance by 5% only for energy weapons for each ranks until a total of 25%.
- The Heavy Hitter skill (only human male character) increases the critical chance by 5% only for Blunt weapon (Gloves, Clubs and Hammers) for each ranks until a total of 25%.
- The Pyromaniac skill (only Cain) increases the critical chance by 5% when using a fire-based weapon (like the frag grenade, flamer, etc.) for each ranks until a total of 25%.
- The Slayer skill increases the critical chance by 5% for each ranks until a total of 25%.
- The Wastelander skill (only human male character) increases the critical chance by 10% only when using home-made weapons for each ranks until a total of 50%.
The type of weapon with a maximum critical chance with the skill required is the home-made weapons with a total of 75%.
See also[]
- Better Criticals – A perk that increases the damage of critical hits.