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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
This article is within the scope of the Fallout: New Vegas locations project. This project is dedicated to standardizing Fallout: New Vegas location articles. If you want to participate, please check the project page.
Icon disambig
This page is about the location known as Crimson Caravan Company found in Fallout: New Vegas. For the trading company known as Crimson Caravan, see Crimson Caravan.
Crimson Caravan company
Icon settlement medium
Crimson Caravan Company loc
Map MarkerCrimson Caravan Company
BuildingsCaravaneer barracks
Guard barracks
Crimson Caravan main office
FactionsCrimson Caravan
New California Republic
LeadersHenry Jamison (branch manager)
Alice McLafferty (executive manager)
QuestsAba Daba Honeymoon
Heartache by the Number
You Can Depend on Me
Pressing Matters
Young Hearts
Long Term Care
Dealing with Contreras
Poor Meat Never Makes Good Soup
Cell NameCrimsonCaravan
CrimsonCaravanBarracks01 (barracks)
CrimsonCaravanBarracks02 (caravaneer barracks)
CrimsonCaravanMainOffice (main office)
ref id000dabf1
000f3bd7 (barracks)
000f3bdc (caravaneer barracks)
000f5e5a (main office)
TerminalsCrimson Caravan company terminals

The Crimson Caravan company is the New Vegas branch of the Crimson Caravan Company, currently under the (de facto) management of Alice McLafferty.



Located in the Mojave Wasteland, it is southeast of Freeside's North Gate, northeast of the Freeside's East Gate and west of the New Vegas Medical Clinic.


There is a campfire and a workbench to aid in crafting items, along with miscellaneous items scattered around the area. Generally found sharing the campfire or sleeping in the barracks are Caravaneers and Guards resting between travels throughout the Mojave. During the day, Blake can be found at the roadside "store" across from the brahmin pen.

All five buildings are in the form of army barracks, but the player can only enter three of them: the main office, the guard barracks, and the caravaneer barracks. There is also a pen containing pack brahmin.

The Crimson Caravan Company camp is home to the traders of the Crimson Caravan Company, and as such it is filled to the brim with supplies and rations of food items and foodstuffs.


Notable loot[]

Related quests[]


  • Due to the prevalence of supplies here, many players suggest those in Hardcore mode frequent this location as it can provide many items necessary for the hardcore player.
  • From the outside of the caravaneer barracks, when standing in front of the door west of the brahmin pen, the barracks appear to have an L-shape bending to the left, but when you go enter, the interior L-shape bends to the right. Entering the door will also turn your compass 180 degrees, and you will be facing east instead of west, with the same reversal upon exiting. This is probably an oversight of the designers.


Crimson Caravan Company appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • Rarely a nightkin will spawn in the cattle area and start randomly slaughtering cattle.
  • PCIcon pc Two Legionaries may spawn here.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Nobody seems to care if the player kills the brahmin.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Sometimes you will not be able to enter the buildings restrooms even when the doors are opened.
Crimson Caravan Company