The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Coyote mines
22380 20180916215428 1
22380 20180916215421 1
Icon cave
Coyote Mines loc
Map MarkerCoyote Mines
Cell NameSLCoyoteMines (exterior)
SLCoyoteMineHouseINT (interior)
ref id000deace (exterior)
00154bd5 (interior)

The Coyote Mines is a location in Fallout: New Vegas, located northeast of Camp Searchlight.


The mines are a deserted attempt to exploit the riches of the area, and judging by the state of the mine, a rather recent one. The mines have two distinct components, a mine house for the miners and the mines themselves below the house. There are no traps or enemies in either.

Mine house[]

A two-level shack that served all the needs of the miners. There's a common area storage crates and a kitchen in the back on the ground floor, while the upper floor contains the miners' quarters and a small playing table.


The mine has two branches. The left-hand corridor leads down a winding path into a living space at the bottom of the mine, while the right-hand one leads down past locked storage areas with dynamite and mining equipment to a dead end at the bottom of the mine.

Notable loot[]

Mine house


Coyote Mines appears in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • PCIcon pc Some of the items, such as the BBs or dynamite, are placed in a way that they can fall through level or scenery geometry when disturbed. This can make obtaining them impossible.