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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Contract Killer
FO3 Contract Killer
Fallout 3
RequirementsLevel 14
EffectsCaps and loss of Karma for killing good characters
base id00044ca8

Contract Killer is a perk in Fallout 3.


Once you have the Contract Killer perk, any good character you kill will have an ear on their corpse. This ear can then be sold to Daniel Littlehorn, the CEO of Littlehorn and Associates at the scrapyard, for caps and negative Karma. Specifically Littlehorn will pay 15 caps per ear.


  • An ear will appear only if the one with the perk is credited with the kill. For example, firing a missile at the car behind the target and killing him with the subsequent explosion will not count. Similarly, any death blows landed by followers results in no ear appearing. A kill by the Mysterious Stranger will not yield an ear, either.
  • The most abundant supply of ears you can find are off of Regulators which are encountered randomly through having negative Karma. Slaver-hunting hitmen are also a good supplier of ears as well, should the player also choose to be a slaver.
  • The note you receive indicates that you need to go to the east end of the Scrapyard, but you must actually go to the south end.


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Characters that are essential are also scripted as good characters (including Daniel Littlehorn) and will drop an ear every time they're knocked unconscious, for a potentially endless amount of ears.

See also[]
