The final step in launching the SDS involves legwork to obtain the schematics and codes necessary to activate it.
To gain the necessary components, the players first need to grab the Master Holotape from Abbie's desk near the SDS terminal, then head over to Harpers Ferry, abandoned by the Free States after a scorchbeast attack.
The historic armory is inaccessible without the master holotape. Playing it on the entry terminal grants access.
Inside, the player has to locate Raleigh Clay's terminal within the building and play the master holotape on it to gain the routing schematics.
The next stop is the Charleston Capitol Building. Sam Blackwell's office is on the top floor, but to gain access, the player has to first find the master security terminal in the basement and lift the office lockdown (Accounts → Account Lockdowns → Samuel Blackwell). Lather, rinse, repeat: Play the master holotape on his terminal.
The final step requires the player to play the master holotape at any relay tower in Appalachia (eg. the one in the Ash Heap) and returning to Abbie's Bunker.
Quest stages[]
Take and load the Master Holotape in the Armory terminal
Load the Master Holotape in Raleigh's terminal
Load the Master Holotape in Sam's terminal
Load the Master Holotape in a Relay Tower terminal