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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For an overview of combat armor variants throughout the Fallout series, see combat armor.
Combat armor
FO3 Combat Armor
Icon combat armor
Combat armor
DR32Item HP400
Combat armor
Ranger battle armor
Rivet City security uniform
Talon combat armor
Tenpenny security uniform
Variantssee Variants
base id00020420
000cb5ef (shellshocked)
Combat helmet
DR5Item HP50
Combat helmet, Ranger battle helmet, Rivet City security helmet, Talon combat helmet
Variantssee Variants
base id00020426
000cb5f0 (shellshocked)

The combat armor and matching combat helmet are pieces of armor in Fallout 3.


Main article: Combat armor

Modelled after the human silhouette and designed to provide balanced protection that does not limit mobility on the battlefield, combat armors are a diverse family of personal body armor of varying degrees of sophistication, from the earliest iterations of the armor developed by the United States Army[1] to the cutting-edge riot gears that came into use prior to the Great War.[2]

The first modern type of combat armor developed by the United States Army[1] to the cutting-edge riot gears that came into use prior to the Great War.[3] consisted of individual armored plates manufactured from synthetic fibers[4] attached to standard load-carrying equipment of the infantryman. The individual components included a combat helmet issued with matching goggles in hazardous environs, front and back ballistic plates, and a pair of axillary protectors. Additional forearm protectors were issued to frontline troops.[5] The lower body was protected by a pair of thigh plates, worn together with a groin and kidney protector. The shins, knees, and feet were covered by frontal plates worn over standard combat boots.[6]

The armor was typically worn in conjunction with standard Army fatigues[7] or specialized uniforms designed for it, with various solid color camouflage patterns (including Arctic white, coyote brown, and olive drab). Rank indicators were typically painted on the axillary protectors,[8] with the Army insignia and identification numbers printed on the back plate.[9][6]


Combat armor is among the best forms of protection in the post-War Capital Wasteland. It has the fifth highest DR for non-power armors, only lower than Ranger battle armor, Lag-Bolt's combat armor (only available with Broken Steel), metal armor, and Metal Master armor. It is fairly useful for early to mid-level characters, as it can probably be acquired before the Ranger Armor, and doesn't have the penalty to Agility that metal armor has.

Unlike the reinforced variants common on the West Coast, all the combat armor available in the Capital Wasteland is short-sleeved, having only the shoulder pads and chestplates covering the torso, as well as the forearm guards. The combat helmet's shaded visor is also absent. The winterized combat armor variant used in the DLC looks the most like combat armor present in earlier Fallout titles, except for the snow-appropriate camouflage pattern and face-covering balaclava.

The helmet is olive drab colored and its shape resembles the current day PASGT kevlar helmets. The picture shown in the Pip-Boy is also very similar to the German Stahlhelm. Unlike its predecessor from Fallout and Fallout 2, the helmet does not have the glass cover over the eyes, although it can be worn with normal eyewear like glasses.




Cut versions[]

Icon cut contentThe following is based on Fallout 3 cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources.
  • Shellshocked combat armor (identical with standard combat armor) base id: 000cb5ef.
  • Shellshocked combat helmet (identical with standard combat helmet) base id: 000cb5f0.
Icon cut contentEnd of information based on Fallout 3 cut content.




  1. 1.0 1.1 The Army helmet is presented in the game as an older type of helmet, issued to uniformed troops who do not use the standard set of combat armor: Clearly visible in the tutorial segment and later on countless dead bodies throughout the Commonwealth.
  2. Riot gear variants available in Lonesome Road.
  3. Riot gear variants available in Lonesome Road.
  4. Visual inspection of the Army helmet in Fallout 4 shows that its material is nearly identical to modern combat helmet materials, such as the Spectra or Dyneema fibers.
  5. Only Operation Anchorage soldiers are shown wearing them, they are absent from domestic armor.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Armor appearance in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
  7. As shown in Fallout 4.
  8. US Army combat armor in Lonesome Road has the rank insignia of a Private.
  9. Ranger combat armor in Fallout 3.