The standard energy sidearm of the United States Armed Forces, the AEP7 replaced the AEP5 model. Boasting redesigned internal components, including a new photonic focusing chamber and completely redesigned focusing crystal pattern, the AEP7 offers a respectable damage output, excellent accuracy at range, and generous battery size. By taking advantage of new manufacturing techniques developed shortly before the Great War, it also boasted reduced weight and bulk compared to previous models.[1]
It's entirely likely that if wartime logistic troubles did not delay development and deployment, the AEP7 and its superior version, the AEP9, would have entirely superseded the N99 10mm pistol as the standard sidearm of the U.S. military. As it stands, the Great War prevented it from being widely deployed, despite a large number of units being produced. Repair and calibration are generally recommended whenever a functional laser pistol is found.[1]
This laser pistol is a specially modified AEP7 laser pistol found on Colonel Autumn. The weapon, like many other unique weapon variants, is visually identical to its common counterpart, in this case being the AEP7 laser pistol. It is fully automatic, unless you have the Broken Steeladd-on, and has a 30 round capacity. It is powered by easy to find energy cells, uses very few action points, but can only be repaired manually.
Although it is marked as a quest item (previous to Broken Steel), the weapon can be used to repair another laser pistol to get it out of your inventory.
There is a glitch in the Operation: Anchorage add-on where if you have Colonel Autumn's laser pistol and enter the simulation then you will take the pistol with you. It cannot be removed during the simulation and is still classed as a quest item. However there are no energy cells in the simulation so having this in your inventory is useless.
Similar to the above note, if the player has it when they enter The Pitt (town), they will keep it in their inventory. However, energy cellscan be found in the Steelyard on destroyed protectrons.
If you actually want Colonel Autumn's uniform and his pistol, then it is recommended that you either resolve it peacefully and kill him from behind when he walks away, or position yourself between him and the purifier; it is not uncommon for him to fall into the water bellow the purifier making it near impossible to loot him.
PlayStation 3 While using the laser pistol, in third person your upper right arm may either twist, or 'compress' while firing.
↑ 1.01.1Citadel terminals. Terminal, AEP7 Laser Pistol: "The AEP7 Laser Pistol was put into service to replace the AEP5, a model which was notorious for its problems with overheating. The AEP7 features a new design in the photonic focusing chamber as well as an entirely redesigned focusing crystal pattern. The bulk and weight have both been reduced over previous models and it was likely that within the new few development cycles, the successor to the AEP7 would replace the n99 10mm as the standard issue sidearm for all forces.
The AEP7 took advantage of new manufacturing techniques developed shortly before the Great War. Although many were produced, most did not make it into field service because of logistics problems concerning their deployment during active wartime.
The AEP7 can be a rare find in the Capital Wasteland, and any models that are produced should be returned to the Citadel for repair and recalibrating before field deployment."