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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Cold Case
F76 Cold Case Slither Slide
A water park, a missing child, and a pre-War mystery to unravel
Quest data
LocationWavy Willard's Water Park, Clarksburg, Grafton Dam, Woods Estate
Given ByMiss Annie
Editor IDTW007_ColdCase
Base ID002c460c

Cold Case is a quest in Fallout 76.


Shortly before the Great War, little Freddy Wood went missing at the Wavy Willard's Water Park. Miss Annie, his Ms Nanny, has been looking for a way to locate her wayward ward, to no luck: As a robot, she cannot access security systems that could provide vital clues...


  • The pointer quest (call Miss Annie) is activated by interacting with Missing Child posters located in various areas across Toxic Valley. Miss Annie is found near the giant crocodile at Wavy Willard's and will brief the player on her predicament. Freddy went missing, and his KidSecureID was deactivated, against all reason. The first step is to track down clues at the security office - Annie's built-in safeguards prevent her from blatantly violating the law, despite the fact that the authorities haven't existed for 25 years.
  • The security office will contain a terminal (and can be accessed by walking through the giant holes in the wall, in case one's lockpick skill is not up to snuff). The October 19 and 22 entries will point to two holotapes that contain clues for the case. The first holotape (WWWP Slither Slide 10172077 Daily) is in the locked level 0 safe right across from the terminal. The other (WWWP Log Ride Entry 10172077 Daily) is in the basement of the Crocolossus Mountain and will point to the mail box just outside, which will contain the Letter to the Media, showing that the kidnapper tried to attract attention to Grafton Steel's crimes.
  • The final stop is atop the Slither Slide, where the KidSecure ID is located. The optional objective can be accomplished by repairing it at a tinker's bench and will reveal that it's indeed Freddy Wood's ID and that it was removed by an approved parental figure.
  • At any rate, the next stop is the Post Office at Clarksburg. Inside is the public records terminal. Searching by P.O. Box will allow the player to access the data for box 12 (the number from the mail box at Wavy Willard's), which will lead to Otis Pike's home in Grafton, 316 W. Wilford Street.
  • Otis' house is in southwestern Grafton, against the hill. Various clues scattered across the house will point to his dire employment situation - terminated by Grafton Steel - while the terminal in the basement will reveal that he was planning to knock some sense into his brother-in-law, Arthur Wood, to improve conditions at the plant. He first blew the whistle on the atrocious working conditions and the way the mill was poisoning the environment - killing children in the process - and when that failed, he tried kidnapping. The correspondence and inquiry about the dam will lead to Grafton Dam.
  • At the dam, players need to get inside the building. This is either easy (with max hacking or lockpicking the door on the western side can be open) or moderately difficuly (as the players will have to get through the drainage pipe on the eastern side). Inside, the player needs to find five clues:
  • Looks like Otis' plan backfired and Freddy left him to die, hanging upside down at the Dam. Freddy's trail leads to the Woods Estate. The final clue is in the desk upstairs, Freddy's Hasty Note, indicating that Freddy was taken to a Vault and safely sheltered.
  • At this point, the player can report back to Annie at Wavy Willards that Freddy is likely safe at the Vault. Annie will be elated and thrust a wealth of rewards into the players' hands.