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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Cliff's Edge Hotel
377160 20160519104238 1
Fo4 Cliffs Edge loc
Map MarkerCliff's Edge Hotel
Cell NameCliffsEdgeHotelExt
ref idxx000c30
xx000c2f (02)
xx000c1e (03)
TerminalsCliff's Edge Hotel terminals

The Cliff's Edge Hotel is a landmark on Mount Desert Island.


A pre-War resort hotel, Vault 118 is buried beneath, once intended for a classic class warfare experiment. However, sealed before the lower rungs of the social ladder could be admitted, the luxurious hotel has fallen into disrepair and became a hive for feral ghouls, as the sealed Vault's inhabitants descended into madness.

In the latter part of October 2287 a trapper would explore the site in search for the entrance to the vault.[1] After setting up camp in the restaurant he was swarmed and killed.[2]


After passing by the entrance to the vault and the plaza, the main lobby is mostly flooded and overgrown with local fauna. The elevators in the north are nonfunctional, a stairwell to the south leads up to the second floor; the wall of a room is busted out, open to the upper deck. This pathway leads back to the second floor ballroom where a trapper set up camp.

The nearby staircase ascends to the top floor where broken windows expose the top deck. The northwest part of the deck enters back into hotel where a stairwell descends into the southwestern part of the hotel. A spiral staircase leads one to a lobby with two sets of elevators, which lead down into Vault 118.


Cliff's Edge Hotel appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


  1. Trapper's note
  2. The state of the campsite in the restaurant of the hotel.