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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Clayton Holdren's dialogue
Game Information
NPCClayton Holdren
Data FileFallout4.esm

Full dialogue table[]

Scene SceneDialogue Custom I don't know that this is the time... Shaun: Doctor Holdren, it is time. Please. Inst303DirectorateFatherScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Shaun: To that end, I am naming my father as my successor. Oh, boy. Justin: You can't be serious! uncomfortable Inst303DirectorateFatherScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Shaun: May I say, Doctor Holdren, I'm quite impressed with the latest harvest from your division. Oh, thank you sir. Isaac and Dean did a great deal of work over the last few months. I'll let them know you're pleased with the result. Allie: Doctor Ayo, did you still need modifications to the entryway for the SRB? proud Inst303DirectoratePreSceneLoop
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Now's not really a good time. Apologetic
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Great! I was hoping you'd say that. In any case, I imagine you'll want to continue looking around. Or, if you prefer, I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. Player Default: You mentioned medical care. I might need that from time to time. Friendly, courteous / Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You mentioned medical care. I might need that from time to time. In that case, you'll want to introduce yourself to Doctor Dean Volkert. DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom He's our top biologist, and also serves as the Institute's resident physician. DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Doctor Volkert works in the infirmary. Just pay him a visit whenever you need to. DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom You won't find better medical care anywhere else in the Commonwealth, I'll promise you that. Confident DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ask Player Default: I'm good for now, thanks. Take care, then. Polite DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Tell me more about those synth gorillas. On the whole, I'd say they were a success. Their behavior does generally match what our historical data says it should be. Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Unfortunately, we had a few early setbacks. The creatures can become suddenly aggressive, and they're quite strong. Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom They destroyed two of their synth handlers, so now we keep them in an isolated habitat where they can be safely observed. Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Is there anything I can do to help out? There might be. Tell you what. You get settled in, and check back with me later. I'll see what I can find. DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Is there anything I can do to help out? I think Doctor Karlin was looking for help with one of his experiments. You should talk to him. DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Is there anything I can do to help out? Not at the moment, but thanks for asking. DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom NPCMClaytonHoldren: Welcome! So good to have you here. Doctor Clayton Holdren, head of the BioScience division. Friendly / Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I can't wait for you to see the work we're doing. It's truly amazing. Player Default: I look forward to learning more about it. Friendly, enthusiastic / Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Player Default: I look forward to learning more about it. In that case, let me give you a brief overview of what we do here. ClaytonHoldren: As the name implies, the BioScience division specializes in fields of study such as botany, genetics and medicine. Enthusiastic, friendly / Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'm sure it's fascinating, but that's not why I'm here. Of course, I completely understand. Friendly, sympathetic / Neutral DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Before you go, at least let me give you a brief overview of what we do here. I promise I'll keep it short. ClaytonHoldren: As the name implies, the BioScience division specializes in fields of study such as botany, genetics and medicine. Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Like what? I was just about to explain that. ClaytonHoldren: As the name implies, the BioScience division specializes in fields of study such as botany, genetics and medicine. Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: With hard work and ingenuity, any challenge can be overcome. I'm sure I've taken up enough of your time as it is, but I have to ask... have you decided whether you'll join us? Player Default: I'm not sure how well I'll fit in, but I'd like to give it a try. Friendly, hopeful / Question DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'm not sure how well I'll fit in, but I'd like to give it a try. Great! I was hoping you'd say that. ClaytonHoldren: In any case, I imagine you'll want to continue looking around. Or, if you prefer, I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. Friendly, enthusiastic DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Player Default: I doubt it. I just don't think I'd fit in. It's a big decision, I know, but it's also a rare and important opportunity. No need to rush to judgement. ClaytonHoldren: In any case, I imagine you'll want to continue looking around. Or, if you prefer, I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Player Default: I'm an outsider. Would there even be a place for me here? Even if science isn't your passion, there are plenty of ways to contribute. DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Our projects sometimes requires an agent who can work on the surface to observe and gather information. DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo From what I've heard, you're both fearless and resourceful. I think you'd be ideal for that kind of role. ClaytonHoldren: In any case, I imagine you'll want to continue looking around. Or, if you prefer, I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: In that case, let me give you a brief overview of what we do here. As the name implies, the BioScience division specializes in fields of study such as botany, genetics and medicine. DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Our most important directive is to ensure the health and well-being of everyone in the Institute. DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom To that end, we cultivate highly specialized breeds of flora for use in food and medicine. DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom We've even started to explore the idea of synthetic animal life. DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom You probably saw the gorillas... they're really just a pet project at this point, but the potential is exciting nonetheless. Player Default: Seems like there's nothing you guys can't do. Friendly, conversational DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Seems like there's nothing you guys can't do. With hard work and ingenuity, any challenge can be overcome. ClaytonHoldren: I'm sure I've taken up enough of your time as it is, but I have to ask... have you decided whether you'll join us? Proud / Happy DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Sounds like a waste of time to me. You should create something more useful. It's just my opinion, of course, but I don't believe that every discovery needs to be useful. Friendly, like a teacher with a student DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sometimes, we innovate for no other reason than to learn what's possible. ClaytonHoldren: I'm sure I've taken up enough of your time as it is, but I have to ask... have you decided whether you'll join us? Confident, friendly / Confident DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Yeah, I can't imagine anything more exciting than fake gorillas. Speaking only for myself, I find them fascinating. Of course, I might be a little biased. ClaytonHoldren: I'm sure I've taken up enough of your time as it is, but I have to ask... have you decided whether you'll join us? A chuckle at the end of this line, the player just made a joke. Emphasis no "might". / Amused DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: The gorillas are synths, too? They are indeed. Judging by your reaction, we've done a good job making them seem lifelike. Pleased, satisfied. / Happy DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom The initiative is still in its early stages, but the prospects are very exciting. ClaytonHoldren: I'm sure I've taken up enough of your time as it is, but I have to ask... have you decided whether you'll join us? Enthusiastic DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput It's alright, no hurry. Wondering why the player has stopped talking. Filling in dead air.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Welcome! So good to have you here. ClaytonHoldren: Doctor Clayton Holdren, head of the BioScience division. Charming DialogueInstituteClaytonFirstGreetingScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Good to see you again. Did you need something? Player Default: You mentioned medical care. I might need that from time to time. Friendly / Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Something I can do for you? Player Default: You mentioned medical care. I might need that from time to time. Friendly / Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Anything I can help you with? Player Default: You mentioned medical care. I might need that from time to time. Friendly / Friendly DialogueInstituteClaytonSubsequentScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I won't try to hide my disappointment about what happened at Warwick Homestead. Disappointed, lecturing / Somber
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello That Warwick situation was a real mess. You're not exactly off to a great start here. Disappointed, lecturing / Somber
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I hope you've learned something from what happened at Warwick. That was a costly mistake. Disappointed, lecturing / Somber
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Humanity's future is taking root right here. Proud
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello It's great to have you here. Warm, friendly
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Doctor Karlin's doing some amazing things with our genetically-engineered crops. Proud, almost boastful
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello The latest synth generation is just amazing. Those guys in robotics are working miracles. Proud, almost boastful
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Don't forget to speak to Doctor Karlin about that errand.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Doctor Karlin needs your help with something. You should speak to him.
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: What kind of work will we be doing, exactly? Well, normally the Directorate reviews and approves research tracks for the various divisions. Today, however, we're here for a different reason. JustinAyo: Right now we're all here because it's time to decide to finally stand up for ourselves. Inst305Stage90DirectorateScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom AlanaSecord: It's the only way of looking at it, Allie. You know that as well as the rest of us. To bring you up to speed: Obviously there are groups in the Commonwealth that stand in opposition to the Institute's goals. ClaytonHoldren: With the reactor now online, we have the ability to not only expand synth production, but to project power to a much greater degree. changing the subject, trying to calm tense situation Inst305Stage90DirectorateScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom ClaytonHoldren: To bring you up to speed: Obviously there are groups in the Commonwealth that stand in opposition to the Institute's goals. With the reactor now online, we have the ability to not only expand synth production, but to project power to a much greater degree. Player Default: I'm sure the reactor will improve everyone's life. It's a great accomplishment. Inst305Stage90DirectorateScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'm sure the reactor will improve everyone's life. It's a great accomplishment. Yes, but it's not just that. ClaytonHoldren: The Directorate has... agreed that steps must be taken to ensure our safety in the long run... Apologetic Inst305Stage90DirectorateScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: So you're saying we can now wage war on the Commonwealth. I don't think anyone really intended that as a course of action. ClaytonHoldren: The Directorate has... agreed that steps must be taken to ensure our safety in the long run... polite disagreement, deferential / Apologetic Inst305Stage90DirectorateScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: We'll be much better able to defend ourselves. It's a good position. True, but I don't think we should stop there. ClaytonHoldren: The Directorate has... agreed that steps must be taken to ensure our safety in the long run... Apologetic Inst305Stage90DirectorateScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Where are you going with this? What's the Institute's goal? Well... ClaytonHoldren: The Directorate has... agreed that steps must be taken to ensure our safety in the long run... slightly hesitant / Apologetic Inst305Stage90DirectorateScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Yes, but it's not just that. The Directorate has... agreed that steps must be taken to ensure our safety in the long run... EvanWatson: Let's just spit it out, shall we? The Directorate has decided that the Brotherhood of Steel need to be eliminated. hesitant Inst305Stage90DirectorateScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I think the last thing the Institute needs now is to make things worse. We should be trying to avoid conflict, not starting it. I would love to see that big airship fly off over the horizon, but it's not going to happen. Inst305Stage90DirectorateDecisionScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom The conflict is already upon us; unless we end it now it's only going to get worse. AllieFilmore: We really don't have a choice. If we're to emerge from this the victors, we need to move quickly. Inst305Stage90DirectorateDecisionScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Isaac: Have you had time to examine my latest reports on batch two-seven-four? Not yet. I've been reviewing Father's plans to expand our operations at Warwick. DialogueInstituteClaytonIsaac1Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom He's eager to get that going, so I've had to put everything else to one side. Isaac: I wonder how the Warwick family is doing. Young Wally must be close to ten years old by now. DialogueInstituteClaytonIsaac1Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Isaac: It's remarkable that any child can survive for so long up there. I... try not to think too much about it. We have more than enough to occupy ourselves here. DialogueInstituteClaytonIsaac1Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Those people are the last remnants of a dying past. It's best not to dwell on the subject. Isaac: They're still people, and they're suffering. We can at least admit that it's regrettable. DialogueInstituteClaytonIsaac1Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Isaac: After all, how can we hope to redefine mankind if we can't even hold on to our own humanity? Well, that's a question best left to our colleagues in the Robotics division. Isaac: Yes, well... I suppose you're right. DialogueInstituteClaytonIsaac1Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Did you add those new strains of triacanthos we discovered to the database? Isaac: Yes, Doctor Holdren, it's taken care of. A scientist at work. TRI-uh-CAN-thos where "TRI" is like tricycle and THOS is like floss. DialogueInstituteHydroponics4Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Isaac, have you had a chance to run the alkalinity test on last week's soil sample from Warwick? Isaac: Yes, Doctor Holdren, it's taken care of. DialogueInstituteHydroponics4Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Isaac: Yes, Doctor Holdren, it's taken care of. Good man, good man. Isaac: The compliment is quite unnecessary, Doctor Holdren. DialogueInstituteHydroponics4Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Isaac: Yes, Doctor Holdren, it's taken care of. We'd be lost without you, Isaac. Isaac: The compliment is quite unnecessary, Doctor Holdren. Generous, but also a bit mocking DialogueInstituteHydroponics4Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Hi there, Dean. How's it going? Dean: Well enough, I suppose. What's on your mind? Pleasant, but with an agenda. You're about to issue a mild reprimand. DialogueInstituteHydroponics2Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom How are things with you, Dean? Dean: Well enough, I suppose. What's on your mind? Pleasant, but with an agenda. You're about to issue a mild reprimand. DialogueInstituteHydroponics2Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Dean: Well enough, I suppose. What's on your mind? You're past deadline on the report for batch three-seven-six-one. What's the hold-up? Dean: I spent a few days restocking the meds. I have to do that from scratch, you know. It's time-consuming. A mild rebuke. DialogueInstituteHydroponics2Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Dean: Well enough, I suppose. What's on your mind? I was expecting the growth rate metrics yesterday. Have you written that up yet? Dean: I spent a few days restocking the meds. I have to do that from scratch, you know. It's time-consuming. A mild rebuke. DialogueInstituteHydroponics2Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Dean: I spent a few days restocking the meds. I have to do that from scratch, you know. It's time-consuming. Well, I'm sure you'll do your best to get back on schedule. Patronizing DialogueInstituteHydroponics2Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Dean: I spent a few days restocking the meds. I have to do that from scratch, you know. It's time-consuming. I see. Well, our schedule is important so, I trust you'll make it a priority. Condescending DialogueInstituteHydroponics2Scene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom NPCMClaytonHoldren: Director! Good, I'm glad you're here. I'm hoping you can assist with me an experiment. I believe we can improve the growth rates of our crops by using mutated cells such as those found in Super Mutants. Continuing a science lecture InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom To test this theory, I'll need a tissue sample from a particularly strong Super Mutant. Continuing a science lecture InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I expect I'll eventually need several such samples, but let's just start with one. Player Default: I've got one right here. Concluding a science lecture InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I've got one right here. That's right. QuestGiver: Now remember, only a particularly hardy Super Mutant will fit the bill for this experiment. InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: The hell with that. Do it yourself. We're not fighters, we're scientists. We'd be no match for one of those creatures. Defensive InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I know it's a lot to ask, but please at least consider it. You might well be the only one here who can do this job. Player Default: I've got one right here. Apologetic, then asking for a favor. InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Unsure Player Default: That sounds pretty dangerous. For someone as brave and skillful as yourself, I'm sure it will be a trifle. Player Default: I've got one right here. Dismissive InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Info Player Default: How do I obtain this tissue sample, exactly? Well, I suppose you'll just cut off some of its flesh, store it however you like and then bring it to me. Thinking aloud, almost rhetorical InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Info Probably best if you kill it first. Player Default: I've got one right here. An afterthought, almost under your breath InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: That's right. Now remember, only a particularly hardy Super Mutant will fit the bill for this experiment. InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I don't need it right away, but if you do come across such a specimen, I'd be grateful if you could bring back a sample. Asking a favor InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I've got one right here. Excellent. I've made real progress thanks to your help. QuestGiver: So, will you do it? Enthusiastic InstR02SceneClaytonRepeat
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Another time maybe. Just let me know when that other time is. QuestGiver: So, will you do it? Disappointed. InstR02SceneClaytonRepeat
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'll keep that in mind. I'll be grateful if you do. QuestGiver: So, will you do it? InstR02SceneClaytonRepeat
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Excellent. I've made real progress thanks to your help. So, will you do it? Player Default: I've got one right here. Eager InstR02SceneClaytonRepeat
Scene SceneDialogue Custom PlayerVoiceFemale01: I've got that sample you wanted. I'll take that from you. InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Yes, this will do nicely. I hope those Super Mutants didn't give you too much trouble. Player Default: No trouble at all. Appreciative InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: No trouble at all. I knew you'd be the right man for the job. QuestGiver: It might be necessary to gather more samples, so check back with me later if you can. A little patronizing, self-congratulatory / Confident InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: No trouble at all. I knew you'd be the right woman for the job. QuestGiver: It might be necessary to gather more samples, so check back with me later if you can. A little patronizing, self-congratulatory / Confident InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Those things are monsters. I barely got out of there. Well, if this experiment bears fruit, the risk will have been worth it. QuestGiver: It might be necessary to gather more samples, so check back with me later if you can. Confident / Confident InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: If there's nothing else... Not at the moment, no. Happy InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Thank you again for this. QuestGiver: It might be necessary to gather more samples, so check back with me later if you can. Grateful / Happy InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: What, no reward for my efforts? I suppose that's a fair request. Reluctant InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I was going to take these over to the SRB, but here, you take them. Uncertain at first, but growing more certain InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom You face at least as much danger as any of our Coursers. QuestGiver: It might be necessary to gather more samples, so check back with me later if you can. Helpful InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: What, no reward for my efforts? You are persistent, aren't you? Part amused, part annoyed InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Here, take these. That's all I have for now. QuestGiver: It might be necessary to gather more samples, so check back with me later if you can. A little reluctant, but also grateful InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: What, no reward for my efforts? If this experiment is a success, it could bolster our food supply by as much as three percent. Proud InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I'd call that pretty rewarding. QuestGiver: It might be necessary to gather more samples, so check back with me later if you can. Proud, confident, even a bit smug InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I knew you'd be the right man for the job. It might be necessary to gather more samples, so check back with me later if you can. InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Again, thanks for your help. I couldn't do this without you. Sincere gratitude / Grateful InstR02SceneClaytonEnd
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Super Mutants can be pretty dangerous, so take whatever precautions you need to. Friendly, but concerned... you're saying "be careful"
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Remember, you're looking for a Super Mutant that's tougher and stronger than the average one. Friendly
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I hate to send you into harm's way, but in this case, there's no way around it. Friendly, genuinely concerned / Apologetic
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Director! Good, I'm glad you're here. I'm hoping you can assist with me an experiment. QuestGiver: I believe we can improve the growth rates of our crops by using mutated cells such as those found in Super Mutants. Friendly, asking for a favor / Friendly InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I'm glad you're here. I'd like to conduct an experiment, but I need some assistance with it. QuestGiver: I believe we can improve the growth rates of our crops by using mutated cells such as those found in Super Mutants. Friendly, asking for a favor / Friendly InstR02SceneClaytonIntro
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I could use some more tissue samples, if you have the time to collect them. Player Default: I've got one right here. Friendly, asking for a favor InstR02SceneClaytonRepeat
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Father was a great man, and he will certainly be missed. Sympathetic / Sad
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello This feels like the dawn of a new era. Impressed, even momentous / Impressed
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Father was a great man, and he will certainly be missed. Sympathetic / Sad
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello This feels like the dawn of a new era. Impressed, even momentous / Impressed
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Father was a great man, and he will certainly be missed. Sympathetic / Sad
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello We're making real progress, thanks to you. Friendly, enthusiastic / Friendly
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Now that the reactor's online, perhaps it's time to think about expanding BioScience. Thoughtful, almost rhetorical... upbeat, in a good mood / Friendly
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I have every confidence you'll make a fine director. Friendly / Friendly
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I couldn't be more pleased with Father's choice for a new director. Congratulations. Friendly / Friendly
Scene SceneDialogue Custom InstituteScientist: Doctor Holdren, I was told you were looking for me. Yes, the retrieval team supposedly arrived with the surface sample. What state is it in? InstituteScientist: Unfortunately there's been too much harmful exposure for it to be useful. From preliminary testing it appears the water radiation was lethal. Passionate, excited. / Happy DialogueInstituteHydroponicsScene6
Scene SceneDialogue Custom InstituteScientist: Unfortunately there's been too much harmful exposure for it to be useful. From preliminary testing it appears the water radiation was lethal. All the same, I'd like to see it. We could still learn something. InstituteScientist: Of course. Upset, then optimistic / Confident DialogueInstituteHydroponicsScene6
Scene SceneDialogue Custom InstituteScientist: Doctor, I was thinking, if our modified subject deteriorated so quickly then how can anything else possibly survive up there? Frankly, they don't. The surface is still too dangerous for life to truly thrive. That's why what we do here is so important. Comforting / Friendly DialogueInstituteHydroponicsScene6
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Thanks for running those seeds up to Warwick Homestead. Grateful / Friendly
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Our synth at Warwick sent his first report. Thanks for taking care of that. Grateful / Friendly