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The Vault - Fallout Wiki

The Citadel terminals are a series of terminals in the Citadel in Fallout 3.

Squire Maxson's Terminal[]

Note: Found on the desk in Squire Arthur Maxson's quarters. It is locked Very Easy.


Hi, Squire Maxson! How's the best kid in the Citadel doing today?

Diary Entry 1[]


Stupid Scribe Rothchild and his stupid lab. All I wanted to do was talk to the robot and see if he'd be my friend. So what if he can't walk.

Diary Entry 2[]


Yesterday, Sarah taught me how to kill a man by stabbing him in the kidneys. I think I'm in love.

Story: The Guardians of Gillyfrond[]

Note: Accessing this entry adds The Guardians of Gillyfrond to the Lone Wanderer's PIP-Boy 3000.


"Whatever shall we do, Mister Wollingsworth?" Molly asked. "Mother will be home shortly, and I've yet to clean my room!"

"Heavens my, heavens me. Don't fret, Molly-Golly. We'll enlist a little help, that's all." Mister Wollingsworth then waddled his little teddy bear body into the center of the room, and called out - in a voice both sweet and strong - to those lying dormant on shelves, in the toybox, under the bed.

"Come now, you lot! Molly-Golly needs our help, and as we're her Guardians, that means we all get cracking! Come on now, shake off those dust bunnies and hop too!"

There then rose a rustle and rumble from all corners of the room, as rocking horse and railway car, bookend and baby doll, toy and game alike all blossomed into impossible life.

"Mister Wollingsworth! But I... I never knew... I thought it was just you! Oh, this is just wonderful!" Molly exclaimed.

"Wonderful? Bah! I was having a nice nap and a nice dream, and now you've gone and woken me up. And for what? Manual labor! That wasn't in the job description, Wollingsworth!" This small, squeaky voice of dissent belonged to one Mousy Maguire, Molly's favorite stuffed animal, and one of the few companions granted the right to sleep on her bed.

"Oh, Mousy! You're alive!" Molly ran to her bed and embraced the nonplussed plushy, squishing his body in a nearly stuffing-bursting bear hug.

"Aggh! Ohh! All right... Enough! Enough! You're... crushing... me!" Molly released her hold and dropped Mousy back on the bed, feeling at once excited and immensely disappointed that her favorite stuffed toy had just come to life... and seemed to be a complete cretin.

"Now you listen here, Maguire!" Wollingsworth said. "Being Guardians of dear Miss Molly-Golly means we protect her in any way we can, even if that means unclogging the potty, or taking out the trash, or, yes, tidying up her room! And when the Crawly Creeps come - oh, and they will come - you'll get to do what was in your 'job description,' you mark my words..."

Poem: Song of the Lightman[]

Note: Accessing this entry adds Song of the Lightman to the Lone Wanderer's PIP-Boy 3000.


Tweedle dumpling, tweedle dare,
Curse the younglings, if you care.
For theirs is youth, and joy and power,
Five made one in the Lightman's tower.
And when they come, these five of sun,
The Lightman's progeny have won.
So sound the trumpets, clear and loud!
And think beyond the Eastern shroud.

Guns and Bullets[]


Vargas doesn't know I've been reading his copy of Guns and Bullets, and I should probably keep it that way. I mean, it's right there, under his bunk in the Den. What did he expect?

Elder Lyons' Terminal[]

Note: Found on the desk in Elder Owyn Lyons' quarters, the Solar. It is locked Very Hard.


Greetings, Elder Lyons

Squire Maxson Progress Report[]


Squire Maxson's training is proceeding well, and the boy certainly has an aptitude for small arms. But I often worry about his emotional state. He is child surrounded my killers, being groomed to become a killer himself.

Maybe I've become too cynical, too soft in my old age, but I wish I could give the boy a more normal childhood. Ironic, considering his upbringing is so much like my own. Maybe that's what scares me.

Sarah's Birthday[]


I mustn't forget Sarah's birthday this year. Perhaps I'll send Cross to Rivet City to peruse the shops, and pick something up. Something pretty. Sarah may have forgotten she's a woman, but I haven't, and neither have the rest of the Brothers, judging by the looks they give her.

Safe Lock Override[]

Note: Accessing this command unlocks the Wall Safe (locked Very Hard) on the east wall.


> Safe Unlocked

Maxson Archive Terminal[]

Note: Found on the table in the Archives.


Welcome, Brother

Maxson Family Dossiers[]

Roger Maxson[]


Born -- NA
Died -- 2135

Second in command of the security team stationed at the West Tek research facility; later relocated to the Mariposa Military Base.

Assumed command after nervous breakdown of security team leader Colonel Robert Spindel. Executed scientists after learning of their research into the Forced Evolutionary Virus, or FEV.

Deserted from military just before the war. Maxson ordered the families of all base personnel brought inside the facility, thereby sparing their lives.

Led survivors in their Exodus to the Lost Hills bunker. Maxson's wife was killed on the journey.

At Lost Hills, Roger Maxson formed the Brotherhood of Steel. As the organization's first High Elder, he formed the Orders of Paladins, Knights and Scribes.

Maxson II[]


Born -- NA (teenager of unspecified age in 2077)
Died -- 2155

Took over command of the Brotherhood of Steel as High Elder in 2135, when his father, Roger Maxson, died of cancer.

In 2155, while hunting down a group of Raiders knows as the Vipers, Maxson (who was unhelmeted at the time) was grazed in the head by an arrow. A deadly Viper poison killed him within hours.

John Maxson[]


Born -- 2097
Died -- NA

Son of Maxson II and grandson of Roger Maxson.

A gifted soldier, John Maxson was promoted to the rank of Paladin at age 38, in the year 2135. Soon after, he was promoted once more to Head Paladin.

In 2155, Maxson was promoted to the illustrious position of High Elder when his father Maxson II was killed in glorious battle with the Raiders known as Vipers.

Records indicate John Maxson had some dealings with a mysterious figured identified only as the "Vault Dweller" in the year 2162, at the age of 65.

New Entry: Scribe Arthur Maxson[]


Born -- 2267
Died --

Only son of Jonathan and Jessica (both deceased).

Last of the Maxson bloodline.

As an infant, sent to the Citadel to be fostered by Elder Owyn Lyons. The reason for this decision was two-fold:

1.) Recent internal conflict amongst the Western Brotherhood of Steel created an unsafe environment for the child. It was believed that the Citadel -- despite being located in hostile territory -- would increase his probability of survival.

2.) Elder Lyons, at that time, was in high favor with the Western Elders, and deemed a perfect candidate to provide care and training to the Squire.

Recent events have led to a lack of communication with the Western Elders. As a result, Squire Maxson will remain at the Citadel indefinitely.

State of Maxson[]


The state of Maxson, in the New California Republic, was built in close proximity to the Lost Hills Bunker, and enjoyed the protection of the Brotherhood of Steel.

No additional information is available at this time.

Diary of Roger Maxson -- Vol. 1[]

Oct. 10, 2077[]


I, Roger Maxson, Captain, serial number 072389 have started this log because it doesn't look good for any of us, and I'd like for people to know what really happened here.

All hell broke loose when we finally discovered what those scientist bastards were up to. The Colonel has locked himself in his office and seems to be having some sort of breakdown.

The men are screaming for blood. They're looking to me for answers, and I'm not sure what to do. Someone has to do something, though, before this place sinks into an anarchistic bloodbath.

Oct. 12, 2077[]


Every time we get a report from higher up things get worse here. The war is going in a very bad direction and this place is about to go into full mutiny, with all the chaos that entails.

I stopped one of the men from executing a scientist today, and demanded that we interrogate them to find out what their orders were.

Oct. 13, 2077[]


I killed a man today. I was interrogating Chief Scientist Anderson and he was giving me the full details of their inhuman experiments. He said his orders came from the government, but I didn't buy it. He started screaming about how he was following orders, how he was a military man, and I just shot him. I tell myself it was to keep him from causing a full mutiny among the men, but I'm not so sure.

Oct. 15, 2077[]


I tried again to speak to the colonel through the door, but he seems to have completely lost touch with reality. I broke down the door with several of the men just in time to watch him blow his head off. Right before he pulled the trigger he said he was sorry.

Oct. 18, 2077[]


By killing the egghead, I seem to have confirmed my position as leader of the men. They follow me without question now. The interrogations invariably end up being executions.

Shellman held out the longest, but the end result was the same. Her arguments about her orders were a bit too specific to be completely made up. I'm getting a real bad feeling in my gut about how this is all going to end up. I don't even lie to myself anymore about my reasons for executing the scientists.

Oct. 20, 2077[]


I finally replied to the outside world over our radio. I don't know why they never sent anyone here to see what was happening when we stopped responding to their transmissions.

It doesn't make any sense. Well, they'll come now. I declared ourselves seceded from the union. They remember Jefferson Davis. What will history say about me?

Diary of Roger Maxson -- Vol. 2[]

Oct. 22, 2077[]


What the hell is going on? We declare ourselves to be in full desertion from the Army and no longer under the government's command and what happens? Nothing. Something bad is coming down.

Oct. 23, 2077[]


I can't believe those bastards finally did it. Damn them all to hell. They finally let the A-Bombs fly. We were right in the middle of trying to pry the real story out of von Felden when we completely lost contact.

I have a feeling the research center was hit hard. I don't know why, just call it a gut feeling. It seems inconceivable that we were not targeted. I'm sure China will make up for that oversight real soon. Luckily, we had moved our families from outside into the facility the day before yesterday. We do not yet know if the fallout has reached this area.

Oct. 25, 2077[]


Sgt. Platner volunteered to go outside today to take specific readings on the atmosphere. It seems the radiation has not spread this far. Since he was wearing his Power Armor, there was no threat to him from radiation, but if he had been exposed he would have had to be exiled. We don't have adequate decontamination facilities here.

Oct. 26, 2077[]


I convinced the men that we should bury the scientists. I don't know why... perhaps it was to ease my conscience. I finally started to believe their stories when the last one was dying.

My God, what have I become?

Oct. 27, 2077[]


We're leaving this godforsaken place today. I'm leading the exodus to the old government bunker at Lost Hills. I'm leaving this log behind to be buried when this place goes in the next exchange.

Who knows, maybe someone will find it someday.....


Note: There are two terminals, one is found on the table in the Den, the other on the counter in the Smithy.


ERROR 0x03c663A1
"Network connection not found"
"Dummy terminal inactive"

Citadel Personnel Terminal[]

Note: These three wall terminals are found throughout the B Ring. One is in the north room, one in the barracks, and one in the room east of the Solar.


Welcome, Brother

G.N.R. Soldier Rotation[]


Due to the increased Super Mutant activity in the vicinity of GNR, and the importance of that outpost, all Knights and Paladins can expect to be added to the patrol rotation in that area.

See your squad leaders for more information.

Important!: Squire Maxson Bailey Access[]


By order of Elder Lyons, Squire Maxson is not to be given unsupervised access to the Bailey while live fire practice is in effect!

Lyons' Pride Recruiting[]


Due to the tragic death of Initiate Reddin, Lyons' Pride now has one opening, effective immediately.

If you can't shoot an Ugly from 150 yards blindfolded, don't waste my time.
  -- Sentinel Lyons

Notice: Reddin Funeral Canceled[]


Due to certain unexpected tactical developments, funeral services for Initiate Reddin have been cancelled.

A memorial service will be scheduled some time in the future. Date TBD.

Citadel Information Terminal[]

Note: There are seven of these wall terminals are found throughout the B Ring. One is in the Solar, four in the Central Barracks, in the South Barracks, one is in the room directly south of the central barracks, and one in the room south east of the central barracks.


Welcome, Brother

Enclave Tactical Assessment[]


Weapons -- Plasma-based, capable of molecular destabilization
Armor -- Advanced Power Armor Mark II
Transportation -- Vertibirds

Tactical Assessment -- The Enclave forces that have occupied Project Purity are nearly identical to those encountered on the West Coast in the year 2241.

Threat Potential -- Severe

G.N.R. Battle After-Action Report[]


It is the opinion of Sentinel Lyons that the recent Super Mutant attack on GNR was not indicative of a larger assault, as was originally thought.

Instead, the forces that attacked the radio station were probably en route to the Mall, to reinforce their own kind in a prolonged battle against the mercenaries of Talon Company.

General Robot Diagnostics -- Updated[]


Scribe Rothchild has completed a new full diagnostic of the robot. Here are those results:

Mobility -- 0%
Navigation Translation -- 0%
Internal Processors -- 87%
Weapons Systems -- 60%
Power Management -- 3%
Voice Module -- 100%

It is the assessment of Scribe Rothchild that once the Power Management issues are solved, Mobility and Navigation Translation will jump to at least 50% -- well within acceptable operating capacity.

G.N.R. Soldier Rotation[]


Due to the increased Super Mutant activity in the vicinity of GNR, and the importance of that outpost, all Knights and Paladins can expect to be added to the patrol rotation in that area.

See your squad leaders for more information.

Notice: Reddin Funeral Cancelled[]


Due to certain unexpected tactical developments, funeral services for Initiate Reddin have been cancelled.

A memorial service will be scheduled some time in the future. Date TBD.

Citadel Lab Terminal[]

Note: There are six of terminals located throughout the Laboratory. Five are wall terminals and one a desk terminal. One is located on the wall next to the Smithy, one, the desk terminal, is located on the counter in the Armory, one is located on the wall to the west of the Armory, one is located on the wall to the east of the Armory, one is located on the west wall of the laboratory, one is located next to the Bathroom.


Welcome, Brother

AVF Problem[]


Recent experiments with Accelerated Vector Fusion (AVF) have not gone according to plan. All Scribes assigned to the Lab should check with Scribe Rothchild on a daily basis, and obtain any modified technical parameters as needed.

Warning!: Leaky Hydraulics[]


It is come to our attention that several Scribes have slipped on hydraulic fluid near the eastern end of the robot lift. Until the offending pipes can be mended completely, please use caution in that area.

Enclave Tactical Assessment[]


Weapons -- Plasma-based, capable of molecular destabilization
Armor -- Advanced Power Armor Mark II
Transportation -- Vertibirds

Tactical Assessment -- The Enclave forces that have occupied Project Purity are nearly identical to those encountered on the West Coast in the year 2241.

Threat Potential -- Severe

G.N.R. Battle After-Action Report[]


It is the opinion of Sentinel Lyons that the recent Super Mutant attack on GNR was not indicative of a larger assault, as was originally thought.

Instead, the forces that attacked the radio station were probably en route to the Mall, to reinforce their own kind in a prolonged battle against the mercenaries of Talon Company.

General Robot Diagnostics -- Updated[]


Scribe Rothchild has completed a new full diagnostic of the robot. Here are those results:

Mobility -- 0%
Navigation Translation -- 0%
Internal Processors -- 87%
Weapons Systems -- 60%
Power Management -- 3%
Voice Module -- 100%

It is the assessment of Scribe Rothchild that once the Power Management issues are solved, Mobility and Navigation Translation will jump to at least 50% -- well within acceptable operating capacity.

Notice: Reddin Funeral Canceled[]


Due to certain unexpected tactical developments, funeral services for Initiate Reddin have been cancelled.

A memorial service will be scheduled some time in the future. Date TBD.

Liberty Prime Operation[]

Note: This terminal is located on two cut I-beams on two protruding pipes in front of Liberty Prime in the Laboratory.


Citadel System Link 39L

Welcome, Scribe Rothchild

Historical Records[]

Project Summary[]


Classified Eyes Only

Military Contract 38917: Codename "Liberty Prime"

Project Goal: No less than the creation of the most powerful combat robot the battlefield has ever seen, with the express goal of liberating occupied Anchorage, Alaska from its Chinese aggressors.

Summary: The United States Army has succeeded in contracting both RobCo and General Atomics International to work on their first joint project.

The robot they create, Liberty Prime, will be the very embodiment of American military might -- a walking, talking, nuke-tossing hero who will remind the world what it means to be a super power.

I am fully confident that the presence of Liberty Prime at the Anchorage Front line will be to the Chinese what the Hiroshima bomb was to the Japanese in 1945.

General Constantine Chase

Capital Post Article -- June 3, 2072[]


By Walter "Street Beat" Munroe

Capital Post Staff Writer

In a startling turnaround from their previous policy of complete covert development, the United States Army has confirmed that they are indeed working on a new super weapon, one designed specifically to crush the Red Chinese invasion force and liberate occupied Anchorage, Alaska once and for all.

Speaking at an Army press conference at the Pentagon, General Constantine Chase stated: "No more secrets. The time has come to lay all our cards on the table, so the Chinese can see with their own eyes that we've got the winning hand. The United States Army is proud to announce that for the first time in history, General Atomics International and RobCo have joined forces to create for this great country a super weapon that will leave every single yellow-bellied Red shaking in their Commie booties."

Unfortunately for our readers, that's as specific as Chase is willing to get. While he and the Army are ready for China to know the U.S. is developing a new weapon, they're not quite ready to divulge just what it is, or when it will be ready for deployment.

"All in due time, all in due time. Rest assured, when this weapon is complete, liberty will come to Anchorage... and Hell will follow."

Letter: Dr. Bloomfeld to Gen. Chase[]


General Chase,

I'm sorry, but you're being completely unrealistic. There is simply no way the robot will be combat ready in three months.

The chassis is complete, all weapons systems are online, and the voice module has been programmed as requested. But power consumption is still our primary concern, and neither doctors Honeywell nor Park have yet found an acceptable solution.

We had hoped to sub-contract Vault-Tec, and utilize the talents of Doctor Braun. But apparently he's gone into seclusion, working on one of their own projects, and they couldn't reach him at this point if they wanted to. So that's out.

I'll give it to you straight, General -- this is the biggest robot the world has ever seen, and we just haven't been able to find a power source small enough, and powerful enough, to get the damn thing running with all its systems online.

In three months we might be able to guarantee the robot can walk into downtown Anchorage, but all of his weapons systems will be OFFLINE.

Maybe he can just step on the Red Chinese?

Doctor Stanley Bloomfeld
Project Lead

Diagnostic Reports[]

May 8, 2277[]


Here are the results of the latest robot diagnostic:

Mobility -- 0%
Navigation Translation -- 0%
Internal Processors -- 46%
Weapons Systems -- 45%
Power Management -- 37%
Voice Module -- 100%
Scribe Rothchild is confident that by redistributing power from the Weapons and Mobility subsystems, we'll be able to bring Power Management up to at least 67% -- enough to successfully carry out a full activation sequence.

July 13, 2277[]


Scribe Rothchild has completed a new full diagnostic of the robot. Here are those results:

Mobility -- 0%
Navigation Translation -- 0%
Internal Processors -- 12%
Weapons Systems -- 13%
Power Management -- 1%
Voice Module -- 100%

It has been determined that the recent feedback spike, which resulted in overall system degradation, was in fact caused by the installation of the new power capacitor, as Scribe Rothchild suspected.

Until further notice, Scribes are orderred to cease any and all experiments that involve the re-routing of power from any of the robot's sub-systems.



Scribe Rothchild has completed a new full diagnostic of the robot. Here are those results:

Mobility -- 0%
Navigation Translation -- 0%
Internal Processors -- 87%
Weapons Systems -- 60%
Power Management -- 3%
Voice Module -- 100%

It is the assessment of Scribe Rothchild that once the Power Management issues are solved, Mobility and Navigation Translation will jump to at least 50% -- well within acceptable operating capacity.

Lead Scribe's Journal[]

May 9, 2277[]


Another day, another setback.

We had tried, of course, re-routing power from Weapons to the robot's other sub-systems several times. Each attempt ended in failure, thanks to the robot's overly aggressive combat subroutines. It's almost as if there's some hidden pocket of AI that keeps pushing against us, refusing to let anyone drain power from the weapons systems.

I guess that shouldn't surprise me, considering why he was constructed in the first place.

That's why I began work on the Neural Dampener in the first place. I was convinced I could "trick" the robot into thinking I had actually re-distributed the power from some other sub-system. But the damned thing proved smarter than that. Certainly smarter than me.

All I managed to do was fry some of his circuitry (again) and set us back another three months.

July 14, 2277[]


I'm tired of trying to re-route power like some kind of snot-nosed Initiate.

I don't care what kind of drain it puts on the Scribes' ability to research and maintain the weapons and armor -- I'm proceeding with the AVF experiments.

If I can successfully create an Accelerated Vector Fusion module (similar to the technology I saw Doctor Li working with all those years ago), we'll have our first real chance of getting the robot fully operational.

Maybe then the Western Elders will realize our worth.

August 1, 2277[]


Unfortunately, the Accelerated Vector Fusion (AVF) experiments haven't gone as planned.

Bowditch suffered 2nd degree burns, and at one point we accidentally channeled so much power to the robot's head laser, it discharged and nearly killed Elder Lyons.

He was not pleased.

Voice Emitter Test[]

Note: This command is only available before Take It Back!


> Voice Emitter Test Initialized

Initiate Activation Sequence[]

Note: This command is only available in Broken Steel


> FAILURE: *Insufficient Power*


Note: This terminal is located on the counter in the Armory.


Weapon Information Research Database

Choose Weapon

N99 10mm Pistol[]


The 10mm N99 sidearm was standard issue military gear following the phase out of the N80 in 2051. The N99 was known for its ability to survive in the harshest of conditions and in many tests, the weapon was able to reliably be restored to working condition after an extended period of time exposed to hard elements and without maintenance.

The N99 proved to stand up to its claims and as a result, is one of the most common weapons found in use in the Wasteland. While many civilian weapons were ruined beyond use in the exterior conditions following the war, the N99 is commonly able to be easily restored to working order by anyone with the most basic knowledge of firearm mechanics.

However, an N99 in poor condition can often deliver low target and armor penetration, frequent jamming, and greatly reduced accuracy. Fortunately, the weapon was produced in great numbers and units are available for replacement parts.

R91 5.56mm Assault Rifle[]


The R Series of combat assault rifles was used reliably following the discontinuation of the M series in the early 21st century. The R series, produced by civilian manufacturer Stent Security Solutions, was made in many models and variations. The variation most common to the DC Wasteland is the R91 full-auto urban assault rifle.

This rifle was standard issue for the National Guard during urban pacification operations. Fortunately for our purposes, the Nation Guard had been fully deployed around the DC area during the time of the war. As a result, the R91 is readily available for those willing to search. Although nearly two centuries of scavenging has reduced the numbers of working units, the R91 remains a favorite of Slavers and Raiders. this rifle can also often be obtained from legitimate traders and arms dealers.

Like any firearm, the R91's effectiveness and accuracy can suffer without regular maintenance.

AEP7 Laser Pistol[]


The AEP7 Laser Pistol was put into service to replace the AEP5, a model which was notorious for its problems with overheating. The AEP7 features a new design in the photonic focusing chamber as well as an entirely redesigned focusing crystal pattern. The bulk and weight have both been reduced over previous models and it was likely that within the new few development cycles, the successor to the AEP7 would replace the n99 10mm as the standard issue sidearm for all forces.

The AEP7 took advantage of new manufacturing techniques developed shortly before the Great War. Although many were produced, most did not make it into field service because of logistics problems concerning their deployment during active wartime.

The AEP7 can be a rare find in the Capital Wasteland, and any models that are produced should be returned to the Citadel for repair and recalibrating before field deployment.

AER9 Laser Rifle[]


Unlike many of the weapons in use today, the AER9 is actually not the top laser rifle that was in service at the time of the Great War. The model line went up to the state-of-the-art AER12, which saw service in a handful of specialty units. The reason that the AER9 is much more commonly found is that it was much sturdier and more reliable than the models that followed.

The AER9 features a titanium housed crystal array which proved to withstand long years of exposure to the elements much better than the gold alloy housing of the later models. As a result, the crystal arrays stayed focused within operating parameters, rather than falling completely out of focus like the newer models.

As with all energy weapons, the AER9 can suffer from poor performance if not properly maintained. The crystal arrays and non-mechanical components are delicate and if not properly serviced can lead to a loss of beam intensity, overheating, and energy regulation failure.

Citadel Medical Terminal[]

Note: This terminal is located in the Hospital on the table. It is locked Very Hard.


Hey Sawbones, you dumb son of a bitch! This is Glade -- I hacked your terminal again. Now change your password before I delete all your stupid poetry. :p

Casualty Report[]


Paladin Blanchett - Honorable Death in Combat

Paladin Jennings - Honorable Death in Combat

Paladin Stein - M.I.A. (Presumed Dead/Honorable Death in Combat)

Paladin Sawagachi - Honorable Death in Combat

Knight Casserly - Honorable Death in Combat

Knight Artoro - Suicide

Knight Ianelli - Honorable Death in Combat

Knight Conard - Honorable Death in Combat

Knight Patriarcus - M.I.A. (Presumed Dead/Honorable Death in Combat)

Initiate Verona - M.I.A. (Presumed Dead/Honorable Death in Combat)

Initiate Ruo - Honorable Death in Combat

Initiate Quintana - M.I.A. (Presumed Dead/Honorable Death in Combat)

Initiate Porter - Honorable Death in Combat

Initiate Loring - Training Accident (Investigation Pending)

Initiate Reddin - Honorable Death in Combat

Notes on Pendelton Appendectomy[]


Rotary saw was effective, but suturing of incision proved ineffective. High-intensity heat cauterization proved successful.

Operation Outcome - Success
Patient Pain/Discomfort Level - Irrelevant
Probability of Future Procedure - 100%

Hovering Contemplatively, a Poem[]


Brotherhood of Steel blood is red, ionic medical pulse beams are blue,
Steel is better than flesh, and artificial intelligence sub-processors are too.

Medical Storage Lock Override[]

Note: Accessing this command unlocks the Medical Storage (wall safe, locked ...) in the Hospital.


> Medical Storage Unlocked

Pentagon Library Terminal[]

Note: Found on a table in the Archives.


Welcome to the Pentagon Library, General

Report on U.F.O. codenamed "Palandine"[]


Further investigations into the U.F.O. codenamed "Palandine" have confirmed our suspicions.

On the evening of May 3, 2062, an alien craft of unknown make and origin did indeed breach the airspace just north of Hagerstown, Maryland and crashed into a heavily wooded, non-residential area.

Unfortunately, attempts to retrieve the craft proved unsuccessful. It simply could not be located, either due to some kind of advanced invisibility shielding, or because the occupants managed to make repairs and vacate the crash site before our arrival.

Despite our failure of recovery, the significance of this event cannot be denied.

We are not alone.

Project Brainstorm Report[]


Brainstorm Military/Cultural Center
2076 Progress Report

Our flagship project, the Induced Patriotism Initiative, has met with resounding success. Our agents have successfully included covert and overt messages of extreme patriotism and loyalty into popular media ranging from the big screen to the Sunday funnies. Increased military enrollment amongst target demographics serves to underline this success.

Agent Webb has been particularly effective at influencing the music industry, and he has interesting proposals for the fields of organized sports and even such notoriously difficult markets as comic books and toys.

A success in these areas would ensure early education with our message, and thus ensure a more dedicated and devoted nation for us all.

Mission Cloacina Report[]


Development Report

Development of the Mutant Undermining Lifeform continues apace, and our chief bio-engineers are certain that they will be able to perfect these living weapons in time for deployment into Red China.

Once covertly released into an enemy's environment, their aggressive qualities, dangerous hunger, and pervasive breeding should severely undermine the infrastructure of the location in short order, softening the target for ground invasion. At this point, the genetic kill-switch can be activated, allowing for easy reclamation -- not including a significant, one-time clean up effort.

Current MUL development primarily uses genetic stock of rodents, particularly the common sewer rat, and progress has been significant. FEV testing has been rejected, however, as the results are sterile.

Vault-Tec Terminal[]

Note: Found on a table in the Archives.


Vault-Tec Administration System
Records Database 923-A

Please check your local connection

DC Area Vault Listings[]


DC Area Vault Listings

Vault 76[]


Vault 76 Information

Equipment Issuances[]

Vault Number...
Starting Construction Date...
     February 2065
Ending Construction Date...
     October 2069
Total Number Of Occupants...
Total Duration...
     240 months
Computer Control System...
     Brainpower 4
Primary Power Supply...
     LightLife Geo-Thermal
Secondary Power Supply...
     General Atomics Nuclear Power
Non Standard Equipment...

Personnel Assignments[]

Vault 76 Goal Summary

Vault 76 is one of our seventeen control Vaults. It will operate exactly according to the plan dictated in the marketing material produced by Vault-Tec and precisely to resident expectations. This vault will open automatically after a period of 20 years and the residents will be pushed back into the open world for study in comparison to the other experiments.

Project Goals[]



Vault 87[]


Vault 87 Information

Equipment Issuances[]

Vault Number...
Starting Construction Date...
     May 2066
Ending Construction Date...
     December 2071
Total Number Of Occupants...
Total Duration...
Computer Control System...
     Cyberbrain v2.3
Primary Power Supply...
     General Atomics Nuclear Power
Secondary Power Supply...
     Versicorps Fusion Power
Non-Standard Equipment...
     Stasis Chamber (4)
     Plasma Containment Field (3)
     G.E.C.K. (1)
     Food Processing Station (6)



Personnel Assignments[]

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Project Goals[]



Vault 92[]


Vault 92 Information

Equipment Issuances[]

Vault Number...
Starting Construction Date...
     May 2062
Ending Construction Date...
     May 2068
Total Number Of Occupants...
Total Duration...
     100 Years
Computer Control System...
     Brainpower 7
Primary Power Supply...
     General Atomics Nuclear Power
Secondary Power Supply...
Non Standard Equipment...
     Sound equipment (itemized in memo #328746-2A)
     Musical instruments (itemized in memo #9267563-4C)
     Recording equipment (itemized in memo #5619-7J)

Personnel Assignments[]

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Project Goals[]



Vault 101[]


Vault 101 Information

Equipment Issuances[]

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Personnel Assignments[]



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Project Goals[]



Vault 106[]


Vault 106 Information

Equipment Issuances[]

Vault Number...
Starting Construction Date...
     March 2064
Ending Construction Date...
     December 2069
Total Number Of Occupants...
     95 subjects
     12 researchers
Total Duration...
     147 months
Computer Control System...
     Think Machine 2800x
Primary Power Supply...
     Rok-Solid Brand Geo-Thermal
Secondary Power Supply...
     General Atomics Nuclear Power

Personnel Assignments[]

Vault 106 Personnel Assignments

     Doctor Albert Leris

Additional Personnel...

Archivists' Note:

This information has been redacted at the request of Doctor Albert Leris of the Psychological Research Department and chief Overseer of the Vault 106 Project. All inquiries into the goals and research methods of Vault 106 are to be directed through his office.

Project Goals[]

Archivists' Note:

This information has been redacted at the request of Doctor Albert Leris of the Psychological Research Department and chief Overseer of the Vault 106 Project. All inquiries into the goals and research methods of Vault 106 are to be directed through his office.

Vault 108[]


Vault 108 Information

Equipment Issuances[]

Vault Number...
Starting Construction Date...
     March 2061
Ending Construction Date...
     December 2069 (due to work stoppage)
Total Number Of Occupants...
Total Duration...
     38 years
Computer Control System...
Primary Power Supply...
     General Atomics Nuclear Power
     (Note: main supply designed to fail after 240 months)
Secondary Power Supply...
     Steam Whistle Mini Geo-Thermal

     Note from admin: We are aware that the Steam Whistle
     is only sufficient to power this project partially. Please
     do not file any further reports on this issue.

Non Standard Equipment...
     Defensive weaponry (triple normal issue)
     (Note: Do not stock with standard entertainment)

Personnel Assignments[]

Vault 108 Personnel Assignments

     Brody Jones

Chief of Staff...
     Zachary K. Jameson

Chief of Security...
     Jerec Maddix

Morale Officer...
     Nathan Auragen

Researcher note: All standard positions have been intentionally left unfilled and will be assigned by the Overseer according to the Vault 108 protocols. According to the pre-assignment medical tests, Mr. Jones has a genetic disposition for a rare terminal strain of cancer which should ideally cause him to expire within 40 months of the project's inception. These two events should combine to allow a proper catalyst that allows this project to continue as planned.

Project Goals[]

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Vault 112[]


Vault 112 Information

Equipment Issuances[]

Vault Number...
Starting Construction Date...
     November 2068
Ending Construction Date...
     June 2074
Total Number Of Occupants...
Total Duration...
Computer Control System...
     Think Machine 3600r
Primary Power Supply...
     Sure Power Geo-Thermal
Secondary Power Supply...
     X-Tra Sure Power Geo-Thermal
Non Standard Equipment...
     12 147c Robots, Caretaker variation
     85 Stasis Pods
     List of liquid nutrients detailed in memo #943-B2

Personnel Assignments[]

Vault 112 Personnel Assignments

     Doctor Stanislaus Braun.

Additional Personnel...

Researcher's Note:

Due to the nature of the project in Vault 112 and the highly automated systems designed to support it, the Vault requires only a single administrator.

Project Goals[]



Vault-Tec Personal Assignments[]


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Order Requisition Forms[]


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Cut Content[]

Icon cut contentThe following is based on Fallout 3 cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources.


  • Base ID: 00073937
  • Editor ID: MQ06VTTerminalVault101ExperementNote

Vault 101 Goal Summary

*Observe the effects of a contained environment through several generations.
*Observe the genetic impact of a small group of individuals breeding through several generations.
