Born in2223, Doc Church used to be a medic at Paradise Falls until he moved to Megaton. At that point, the town had been without a doctor for years. It may be a "rat infested hellhole," but it's the least hellish place in which he has lived.[1] He is always professional even if he is overworked, under appreciated, and quite bitter because of it.[2] Part of his professionalism is his adherence to doctor-patient confidentiality, although he will share patient information with other doctors if he thinks they can do some good.[3][4][5]
As Megaton's only doctor, he has got a lot on his plate and does not appreciate people bothering him without good cause.[6] This includes when a holotape concerning an escaped android got into Doc Church's hands; he just passed it off as a hoax, but still knows that Horace Pinkerton is the only man in the wasteland who could have done something like that.[7][8][9]
Daily schedule[]
Doc Church can be found at the Megaton clinic at any given time during the day.
Leo's Drug Habit: The Lone Wanderer can use Speech to convince him of the their trustworthiness, or Medicine to convince him that the Lone Wanderer can help, to find out about Leo Stahl's addiction.
Regardless of Lone Wanderer's health when initiating dialogue with him, he continues to make remarks that you are in good health and should not bother him. Even coming in with deadly radiation poisoning will still have him remark about how you look fine. Verified
Notable quotes[]
"I'm the town doc. If it's cut, I sew it up. If it's infected, I cut it off."
"Look at you! You're fine! Don't come in here wasting my time with your hypochondria. I've got actual patients to see to."(The Lone Wanderer asking for medical care when not being hurt.)
"Oh, you do not. Just suck it up, you big baby."(The Lone Wanderer asking for medical care when not being hurt.)
"I can take care of it for you, for a price. That'll be 50 caps. Maybe the dent in your pocketbook will keep you away from that crap."(The Lone Wanderer asking for an addiction removal.)
"Well, this might go better for you if you hadn't blown your money on Jet, don't you think?"(The Lone Wanderer not having the money for the addiction removal.)
"Great. Another junkie... In case you haven't noticed, this is a clinic, not a candy store. And I've got work to do."
"This won't hurt a bit. Nah, just kidding. It will probably hurt a lot. Hold still."
"Feel better? You should, that was the good stuff. Need anything else?"
"Boy/Girl, you're glowin' like a goddamn reactor core. You need help?"
"What the hell are you standin' there bleedin' on my floor for? If you need help, then ask for it, dammit!"
"You came in here on your own power, so you must not be busted up too bad."
"For Christ's sake, you don't look sick and you sure as hell don't look dead, so why are you bothering me?"
"Boy/Girl... are you botherin' me? 'Cause I think we talked about what happens when you bother me."
↑The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Megaton?" Church: "I have to say, of all the rat infested hellholes that I've lived in, this one is the least hellish." (Church's dialogue (Fallout 3)
↑Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.69: "Doc Church The town's overworked and underappreciatedQuoted verbatim, error appeared in the original source doctor, he can be cranky and bitter, but he's always professional. Before Doc came to the town a few years ago, Megaton was without a doctor for a very long time. Before he settled, Doc stayed alive by trading his services to Raiders and Slavers. Now 54, he refuses to talk about his youth." (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about the people here?" Church: "A doctor doesn't talk about his patients. At least not to strangers, he doesn't." (Church's dialogue (Fallout 3)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "You can trust me. I'm a doctor myself." Church: "All right, I suppose someone with medical training has to have at least a bit of compassion. And maybe you can talk some sense into the boy. Leo Stahl... that boy got hisself a problem with Jet. I've caught him in here two to three times tryin' to steal what I keep around for anesthetic. Not even his own family knows it. He goes up to the water treatment plant at night to get high... I dunno... I can't reach him. Maybe you can." (Church's dialogue (Fallout 3))
↑The Lone Wanderer: "I'm only trying to help, Doc." Church: "All right look, I'm only tellin' you this because you seem like an okay sort and I'm hopin' maybe you can talk some sense into the boy. Leo Stahl... that boy got hisself a problem with Jet. I've caught him in here two to three times tryin' to steal what I keep around for anesthetic. Not even his own family knows it. He goes up to the water treatment plant at night to get high... I dunno... I can't reach him. Maybe you can." (Church's dialogue (Fallout 3))
↑Church: "I'm Doc Church and I run this clinic. Now, before you go askin' me for help, you'd better know the rules. Rule one: don't bother me. If you do bother me, you better be damn near dead. I'm busy enough takin' care of people I actually like. Follow my rule, I'll keep you patched up, I'll keep getting' paid, and we'll get along just fine." (Church's dialogue (Fallout 3)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about this android from the Commonwealth?" Church: "Thought that hoax was long in the grave. Here take this holotape and hear it for yourself. That was just some bored prankster. Forget about it." (Church's dialogue (Fallout 3)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth?" Church: "Damn stupid idea. That reminds me of this old hoax. Here, take a listen to this crusty holotape and see for yourself." (Church's dialogue (Fallout 3)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "I found this holotape. What do you know about facial reconstruction?" Church: "If you are lookin' to change your face, I'd try Pinkerton at Rivet City. That boy's got no sense of ethics. And you're a fool if you try it." (Church's dialogue (Fallout 3)