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Before the Great War, the Chinese government set up an extensive covert operation in the capital of the United States. Using a dummy corporation, Mama Dolce's, a large number of elite spies, intelligence agents, and operators from the 127th Division were deployed on foreign soil. Espionage, interference, and other intelligence activities were intended to bolster China's chances in confrontation with the American superpower.[1] A roving eighteen-wheeler contained the mobile headquarters of the infiltration operations, with further safehouses and field operations established at various locations, including a listening post in the Taft Tunnel, bunker at broadcast tower KT8 and an abandoned safehouse in The Pitt's abandoned apartments. Chinese spies also had a strong presence in Point Lookout, especially in an abandoned Chinese intelligence bunker.[2]
Two hundred years after the War, scattered remnants of the Chinese military operations on American soil continue to eke out an existence in the wastelands. Ghoulified, they survived the two centuries inside their fortified compound at the Mama Dolce's Processing Plant in the ruins of Washington, D.C. These spies, intelligence agents, and special-ops soldiers were abandoned on foreign soil and have been kept alive these long years as irradiated ghouls, defending the food processing plant since 2077 against all intruders.[3]
Unlike other Capital wasteland ghouls, the Chinese remnants lack any voice distortion and sound like Chinese soldiers in Anchorage and Tranquility Lane.
The Chinese Remnant may have been inspired by the real-world Japanese holdouts, Japanese World War II soldiers who continued hiding out and fighting in the Pacific as late as the 1970s, unaware or refusing to believe that the war had ended.
↑Mama Dolce's terminal entries; Desk Terminal, Welcome, Agent Huang.: "{display setting:English/US} The Republic people of China salute your braveries. Find established cover operation of "Mama Dolce" food creation factory. Priority to rendezvous with selected team in covert operations of local area. Job and wage are secured for each within cover operation. Required to inform when first stage of operation is completed. Hail the People's Republic!"
↑Dead infiltrator appearances in Fallout 3 and its DLC.
↑Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43: "Chinese Remnant Army The Chinese Remnant faction is just that: the last, scattered remnants of Chinese military operations in the United States. These spies, intelligence agents, and special-ops soldiers were abandoned on foreign soil and have been kept alive these long years as irradiated Ghouls. There numbers are extremely few, and you are unlikely to encounter them in any numbers unless you should stumble across their cover operation from years ago, somewhere in the bowels of D.C...." (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)