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Child of Atom |
| | | | | | | | Editor Race | | African American | | Editor ID | | MegatonChildOfAtom01 | | Base ID | | 0004171b | | Ref ID | | ? | | Editor Factions | | MegatonBrassLanternCustomerFaction MegatonChurchOfAtomFaction MegatonCrimeFaction MegatonSettlerFaction | | Actor | | 0000002D (MaleAdult01Default) | | Special Head Gear | | EyebrowM (EyebrowM) Muttonstache (BeardMuttonChops) |
Children of Atom are inhabitants of Megaton in Fallout 3.
They are members of the Church of the Children of Atom. They believe in Confessor Cromwell's teachings and follow Mother Maya.
Interactions with the player character[]
Interactions overview[]
Children of Atom appear only in Fallout 3.