Charon is an asset to anyone who owns his contract and will protect his employer to the death - a side effect of mental conditioning received during his upbringing. In 2277, he is employed by Ahzrukhal as bodyguard and does as he commands. To anyone who talks to the man, he's quiet and scary. Every couple of days, Ahzrukhal sends Charon out to run some kind of errand. He always leaves packed with weaponry, and returns with a bag of Caps. Charon never sleeps—a strange trait even for a Ghoul—and when he's in Underworld, he hangs out in the bar. There are rumors that he is unhappy with his position but can't leave Ahzrukhal's employ.[1]
Hired Help: The player can acquire Charon's contract with either 2000 caps (1000 with Barter 50) or by killing Greta. He has no karma requirements.
Take it Back!: Charon can activate the Purifier in the player's stead if they purchased Broken Steel. Otherwise, he refuses.
Effects of player actions[]
Hiring Charon will result in him shooting Ahzrukhal in the face. Predictably, his former employer doesn't survive. The player won't be able to loot the money off Ahzrukal's corpse afterwards, however. If the player shoots Ahzrukal in the face before acquiring Charon's contract (or otherwise kills the tavern owner), Charon will not be available for hire.
Other interactions[]
Charon won't react to stealing, but he will become upset if the player attacks innocents and go hostile once told to leave the player's party.
↑Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.65: "Charon Charon's is Ahzrukhal's personal bodyguard and soldier. He's quiet and scary. Every couple of days, Ahzrukhal sends Charon out to run some kind of errand. He always leaves packed with weaponry, and returns with a bag of Caps. He's loyal to Ahzrukhal beyond question and will do whatever his employer orders. Charon never sleeps—a strange trait even for a Ghoul—and when he's in Underworld, he hangs out in the bar. There are rumors that he is unhappy with his position but can't leave Ahzrukhal's employ." (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)