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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Charleston Capitol Building
F76 Charleston Capitol Bld Ext
F76 358
Part ofThe Forest, Charleston
  • Feral ghouls
  • Scorched
  • Super mutants
  • Other
    QuestsKey to the Past
    Recruitment Blues
  • Wealthy location
  • Enclave supply dropsite
  • The Forest location
  • Fast travel destination
  • General theme
  • Large loot scale
  • Interior cell
  • TerminalsCharleston Capitol Building terminals

    Charleston Capitol Building is a location in Fallout 76.


    The State Capitol building was dedicated in 1932, and served as the seat of power for the Appalachian government. Following the Great War, it continued to serve that purpose, housing the Charleston Emergency Government led by Abigale Poole, which managed the survivors in the wake of the nuclear war, helping them survive these trying times.[1] The Capitol Building was severely damaged in the Christmas flood unleashed by David Thorpe on the city, but much of it remains intact and accessible, if treacherous to navigate.

    Points of interest[]

    • The Charleston Capitol complex is one large dungeon, although on the surface it appears divided into three major sections: The central building, the courthouse (west) and the Department of Motor Vehicles (east). The middle courtyard contains an historic bell, but is otherwise bereft of loot.
    • The courthouse wing centers around the partially collapsed courthouse. The collapsed roof leads to the press briefing and conference room upstairs, which were converted into a triage and cooking area after the War. adjacent to the courthouse is the Office of the Registrar and the Capitol Police offices, which include a small jail with holding cells (and Rosalynn Jeffries, killed by the flood intended to avenge her apparent death). It's also a major stop during Key to the Past.
    • In the back is the judge's office, which contains the location's steamer trunk and another locked safe.
    • At the western end of the central part of the Capitol is the office of the governor of the Appalachian territory, complete with a press briefing room where the governor would make televised appearances. Right before the rotunda are the offices that once served the governor, now filled with mud and trash after the flood wave threw a truck in through the wall.
    • The eastern part of the rotunda contains more ruined offices and a partially collapsed corner hallway. More importantly it contains a staircase that leads to the two upper floors of the rotunda. The second floor is derelict, with mostly abandoned offices. The third floor is more interesting, as it includes the offices of high ranking members of the pre-War government of Appalachia: Speaker Poole's and Senator Blackwell's office west of the rotunda and Tanner Holbrook's office in the east.
    • The Department of Motor Vehicles is rather straightforward: There's one main chamber for visitors, together with a terminal that activates the bots (used to obtain a valid ID for registering with the Brotherhood) and the Overseer's stash.
    • Accessible through the derelict elevator shafts or the staircase by the rotunda, the basement contains a flooded generator room in the west, complete with a weapons workbench, an abandoned food court in the center that served as a food rationing spot before the flood, and the filing, archives, and facilities rooms to the east, just by the stairwell. There's an armor workbench in the machine room.

    Notable loot[]

    Holotapes and Notes
    Potential bobblehead
    • A bobblehead may spawn on the judge's table with the American flag on the back wall, in the first courtroom through the doorway marked "State Courthouse".
    Potential magazine
    • A magazine may spawn on the metal desk by the terminal, northwest corner of the large filing and archive office, in the basement, through the double doors adjacent to the Food Court (interior).
    Other Loot
    • Fusion Core: Two fusion cores may spawn inside the fusion generators in the basement.
    Dynamic spawns


    Charleston Capitol Building appears in Fallout 76.

