In appearance, Chad is a lean male, with nondescript clothing like that worn by many other wastelanders. He projects an aura of confidence around him, though those who work with him feel that his smile is merely a shield.[1] Since moving to Broken Hills a few years before 2241 and getting his first job with Bill the Outfitter, he reached the post of caravan master.[2] He does his work well and runs the uranium caravans successfully, so others trust him.[3]
However, the truth is that while Chad manages the runs well, he overcharges Vault City on each deliver, so that they pay much more than the usual $5000 per shipment.
Interactions with the player character[]
Interactions overview[]
This character provides miscellaneous services.
Chad pays the player for protecting the uranium caravans, $200 per course.
Originally, the player was supposed to be able to expose Chad or blackmail him for $1000, due to his embezzlement of funds. However, this subplot was not finished before release. Killap's Fallout 2 Restoration Patch restores this functionality.
↑Chad's character description: "{100}{}{You see an amiable-looking, lean man.}" "{101}{}{You see Chad, the caravaneer.}" "{102}{}{You see a lean man who wears a smile like a shield. He wears nondescript clothing, and carries himself as if he knows what he’s doing.}" (HcCHAD.msg)
↑The Chosen One: "{128}{}{Tell me about this place.}" Chad: "{141}{}{Tell you about Broken Hills? Well… I moved here a few years back. Got a job with the Bill -– that’s the Outfitter -– and moved up to where I am now. I report to Marcus and the Bill, but I’m responsible for the livelihood of the town.}" (HcCHAD.msg)
↑The Chosen One: "{127}{}{Who are you?}" Chad: "{134}{}{I’m the caravan master for the city. I take care of the business on the other end of the trade routes. These days I’m focusing primarily on Gecko. }" The Chosen One: "{137}{}{Sounds exciting.}" Chad: "{159}{}{Yeah, it is. You wouldn’t think it, but I get to travel and see the world… and I feel I contribute to the town here. It’s a good life.}" (HcCHAD.msg)