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Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Cerulean Robotics
Icon building
Part ofFreeside
QuestsWang Dang Atomic Tango
Cell NameFreesideRobotShop
ref id0011ed00
TerminalsProtectron Programming Interface

Cerulean Robotics was a business built in a monolithic office building. It is now abandoned in a lonely and occasionally traversed section of Freeside.[1]


This building is located in the south-west of northern Freeside (the Courier's position on map to the right), in the same area as the ruined store (where NCR troops are handing out free meals to NCR citizens, also where the courier goes for the quest G.I. Blues). Keep walking past the ruined store, down the roadway, and a small gap in the piles of concrete opens up to the characters' left. Head through this and directly ahead and slightly to the right is the building.

The building consists of several rooms spread over a single story. The building is inhabited by giant rats and a broken protectron, as well as the sexbot Fisto, controlled by a terminal (average).

The Cerulean Robotics key is found in the room to the right of the entrance. It's on the floor in the southern corner of the room between the couches, in the hand of the skeleton near the TV. (The remains of an ancient Protectron fight with a now deceased-worker.[1]) This key unlocks the tool cabinet, found in the north corner of the building, containing the terminal access card. The terminal access card is used on the protectron programming interface terminal if the player doesn't have 50 Science skill with or with out aid (Programmer's Digest, Mentats, or science boosting gear). The terminal is used in the Wang Dang Atomic Tango quest to program the sexbot.

To access the building and get the Lying, Congressional Style book, you need to go a roundabout way.

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]


  • There is a reloading bench and a workbench with many scrap metal and sensor modules to be found here.
Perk wild wastelandThe following is based on the Wild Wasteland trait and has not been confirmed by canon sources.
  • If you have the Wild Wasteland trait, as you leave the building you are attacked by three old women Maud's Muggers armed with rolling pins and switchblades.
Perk wild wastelandEnd of information based on the Wild Wasteland trait.
  • The name of the business may mean something like "Dirty Robotics." In entertainment, "blue" can refer to content that is vulgar or obscene, and "cerulean" is a shade of blue. So "Blue Robotics," in that sense, is the place where you get the sexbot.


Cerulean Robotics appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Picking up the bottles before the star bottlecap may cause it to sink into the desk, becoming impossible to reach even with third person mode.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 PCIcon pc There is a machine in the assembly line with three lights on it and those lights can penetrate walls.
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 If you talk to Ralph at "Mick and Ralph's" and agree upon him making the holotape, it will be the only way to start up Fisto. Even when hacking the Average terminal, you will need the holotape to activate Fisto.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.331: "[2C.04] Cerulean Robotics
    In a lonely and occasionally traversed section of Freeside is a monolithic office building, which was home to Cerulean Robotics. You can freely enter the facility. On your way out, don't be surprised if you're accosted by Malefic Maud and her ruthless band of octogenarian muggers (Free Quest: Maud's Muggers; related to Freeside itself)!
    Break Room
    Over in the corners appears to be the remains of an ancient Protectron fight with a now-deceased worker."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)