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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Cazador nest
Cazador nest
Icon cave
Cazador Nest loc
Map MarkerCazador nest
Cell NameSLMoleRatNest
ref id000dde52

The cazador nest is a location in the Mojave Wasteland, located just west of Ranger station Delta and south-west of the Hoover Dam. Despite there being other cazador nests in the Mojave, this is the only named one.


Populated by several cazadores, this location is external only with no caves or structures to enter.

Notable loot[]

  • A crate of explosives can be found next to a skeleton at the entrance, along with a .44 magnum revolver.
  • An adventure's bag can also be found next to the explosives crate.
  • There is a hollowed-out rock on the right containing random loot.
  • On the top of the hill the "nest" is located in, there is a small campsite with some trash and a campfire. Behind a couple rocks by the tree there are 2 locked boxes, one an easy ammunition box, and an average mine box.


The cazador nest appears in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

This location is called "mole rat nest" in the German, Italian and Spanish release of the game, which also coincides with the name of the cell. This alludes to the developers originally planning on placing mole rats here rather than cazadores.

