Pages in category "Fallout: New Vegas marked locations"
The following 186 pages are in this category, out of 186 total.
- The Basincreek building
- Bitter Springs
- Bitter Springs recreation area
- Black Mountain
- Black Rock cave
- Bloodborne cave
- Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals
- Bonnie Springs
- Boulder Beach campground
- Boulder City
- Bradley's shack
- Brewer's beer bootlegging
- Broc flower cave
- Brooks tumbleweed ranch
- Brotherhood of Steel safehouse
- Caesar's Legion safehouse
- California Sunset Drive-in
- Callville Bay
- Camp Forlorn Hope
- Camp Golf
- Camp Guardian
- Camp McCarran
- Camp Searchlight
- Cannibal Johnson's cave
- Canyon wreckage
- Cap counterfeiting shack
- Cassidy Caravans wreckage
- Cazador nest
- Chance's map
- Charleston cave
- Clark Field
- Cliffside prospector camp
- Cottonwood Cove
- Cottonwood crater
- Cottonwood overlook
- Coyote den
- Coyote mines
- Coyote Tail ridge
- Crashed B-29
- Crashed Vertibird
- Crescent Canyon
- Crimson Caravan company
- NCR Correctional Facility
- NCR Ranger safehouse
- NCR sharecropper farms
- Neil's shack
- Nellis Air Force Base
- Nellis array
- Nellis hangars
- Nelson
- Nevada Highway Patrol station
- New Vegas Medical Clinic
- New Vegas Steel
- Nipton
- Nipton Road pit stop
- Nipton Road reststop
- Nopah cave
- North Vegas square
- Northern Passage
- Novac
- Samson rock crushing plant
- Scavenger platform
- Scorpion gulch
- Searchlight Airport
- Searchlight east gold mine
- Searchlight north gold mine
- Silver Peak mine
- Sloan
- Smith Mesa prospector camp
- Sniper's nest
- Snyder prospector camp
- South cistern
- South Vegas ruins east entrance
- South Vegas ruins west entrance
- Southern Nevada wind farm
- Spring Mt. Ranch State Park
- The Strip north gate
- Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters