The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Mentioned-only character
Carl Bell
Biography and appearance
AffiliationUnited States of America
United States Space Administration
FamilyEdwina Bell (wife)
Mentioned inFallout 3

Captain Carl Bell was an astronaut of the United States Space Administration, who flew the Defiance 7 space capsule on May 5, 1961. The flight lasted 12 minutes and seven seconds, achieving one full revolution around the Earth. Captain Bell was killed when his capsule crashed upon re-entry. His flight is considered by the United States to be the first human in space, although both the Soviet Union and China consistently objected and refuted this claim.[1]

His remains were donated to the Museum of Technology by Edwina Bell, becoming a permanent exhibit alongside his Deep Space Suit.[2]

became the first human in space on May 5, 1961.

Behind the scenes[]

  • May 5, 1961, is indeed the date when the first American flew in space, Alan Shepard. The first man in space was the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, whose landmark flight occurred on April 12, 1961.


Carl Bell's skeleton appears in the Museum of Technology in Fallout 3.


  1. Museum of Technology placard: "This is the actual USSA Deep Space Suit worn by Captain Carl Bell on May 5, 1961. Captain Bell is credited as being the first human in space on board the Space Capsule Defiance 7, but this has been constantly refuted by both the Soviet Union and China. Defiance 7's flight lasted for a total of 12 minutes and 7 seconds as it achieved one full revolution around the Earth."
  2. Museum of Technology placard: "This is the actual skeleton of Captain Carl Bell who died on May 5, 1961 after his Space Capsule crash landed. Captain Bell is credited as being the first human in space on board the Space Capsule Defiance 7, but this has been constantly refuted by both the Soviet Union and China. Defiance 7's flight lasted for a total of 12 minutes and 7 seconds as it achieved one full revolution around the Earth. Donated by Edwina Bell."