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Cannibal Johnson
Cannibal Johnson
Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, Caucasian
AffiliationEnclave (formerly)
Enclave Remnants
RoleRetired Enclave marksman
Cave Hermit
LocationCannibal Johnson's Cave
FamilyUnnamed tribal wife (deceased)
Dialogue FileCannibal Johnson's dialogue
QuestsFor Auld Lang Syne
SPECIALStrength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 6
Luck: 4
Derived StatsHealth: 365
DT: 36 (with Remnants power armor)
Tag SkillsGuns: 100
Melee Weapons: 100
Explosives 100
Base ID001010b7Ref ID001010cb
ActorPeter Renaday
DesignerJeff Husges (script)[1]

We all gotta go sometime, but I was hoping for something a little more heroic.

Cannibal Johnson is a former Enclave soldier and accomplished hunter,[2][3] living in his cave in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


Johnson was a soldier in the Enclave. He served as the squad marksman[4] in Captain Judah Kreger's squad at Navarro with Orion Moreno, Doctor Henry, Daisy Whitman, and Mark Gannon; he was known to often be in conflict with fellow squad-mate Orion over "philosophical" differences.[5][6] Johnson hated the Enclave and everything they did; he often tried to subvert orders and "serve without serving."[7]

Some time after the destruction of Control station Enclave, the NCR sacked Navarro and he, the squad, Arcade Gannon's mother, and a young Arcade Gannon fled south into the NCR. They continued to flee east as Enclave personnel trying to integrate into the NCR were being found. He and the squad eventually settled in the Mojave Wasteland and went their separate ways. Johnson eventually settled down with a tribal girl he had met, but never had any children before she passed away.[8] Now he sits alone in his cave, waiting for death to take him for the sins he'd committed while with the Enclave. He also reminisces about his former commander, Arch Dornan, and says "he was the meanest bastard I ever knew."[9]

When asked about his nickname, he explains to the Courier that one day when he was surrounded by raiders and, out of options, he did the first thing that occurred to him: bite into the heart of one the raiders he had already taken down. This shock tactic caused some of the others to flee, and bought him the time he needed to kill the rest - and ever since the name has stuck, his improvisation growing into mystique.[10][11]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character is a temporary party member.
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.


  • For Auld Lang Syne: Cannibal Johnson is one of five Enclave remnants the player must recruit.

Effects of player action[]

  • In addition to For Auld Lang Syne, Johnson will usually follow the player to the Legate's Camp if you are fighting for an independent Vegas or NCR. This is extremely useful to killing Lanius as Johnson has very high health and a minigun. For some reason if you attack the brahmin in the camp he will turn hostile. If you're working for Mr. House and have the Securitrons kill General Oliver and his NCR Rangers, Cannibal Johnson will attack you alongside the Rangers and Oliver.

Other interactions[]

  • Low-intelligence characters (3 or below) upon first meeting Johnson can ask about how much money they owe "this Reaper guy." Johnson will then tell the player that he was talking about Death and how the player wasn't smart enough to understand.[12]


Icon armored vault suit
Leather armor
Remnants power armor
Assault carbine icon
Hunting rifle
Rockwell CZ53 personal minigun*
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death

*Battle for Hoover Dam only

Notable quotes[]


"Cannibal" Johnson appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

  • If you continue to talk to him about the Enclave, he will have a dialogue option about a drill sergeant who once caught a soldier without his uniform. This is a reference to Fallout 2 when the Chosen One went to Navarro and talked to the drill sergeant there. When the Chosen One goes and talks with the drill sergeant, the drill sergeant will yell at him for being out of his uniform.[9]
  • Cannibal Johnson seems to be based on the character of Jeremiah Johnson. This can be supported by several similarities:
    • The name "Cannibal Johnson" is similar to Jeremiah's nickname "Liver Eating Johnson".
    • The stories behind the nicknames are even similar. Cannibal Johnson earned his after biting the heart of a fallen raider; Jeremiah earned his after supposedly eating the livers of Crow Indians he killed.
    • Both men married "tribal" wives; Cannibal Johnson mentions his had pretty eyes.


  1. J.E. Sawyer
  2. Daisy Whitman: "Hey there, "Cannibal." Heard you become a hunter - good for you."
    (Daisy Whitman's dialogue)
  3. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.361: "[3.11] Cannibal Johnson's Cave
    Johnson's Coolhouse
    Cannibal Johnson looks like an accomplished hunter. There's also ground-water to drink, which is cleaner than it appears."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  4. The Courier: "What did you do when you were with the Enclave?"
    Cannibal Johnson: "Squad marksman. I'm pretty proud of the fact that I never killed a single soul who wasn't trying to kill me or one of my team first."
    (Cannibal Johnson's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "I'd like to know more about your former squad."
    Judah Kreger: "I was the officer in charge, and Johnson and Moreno were my heavy hitters. Henry handled tech things, and Whitman flew the chopper. Johnson and Moreno never got along, and I had my hands full keeping those two apart some days. It was a difference in philosophy, mostly. "Mercy" was not part of Moreno's vocabulary."
    (Judah Kreger's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "You make it sound like avoiding innocent deaths was uncommon in the Enclave."
    Cannibal Johnson: "I'm sorry to say that it was. Civilian casualties was acceptable and sometimes... encouraged. My former squadmate Moreno didn't need encouraging. Moreno and I might've killed each other if Captain Kreger hadn't been there to pull us apart."
    (Cannibal Johnson's dialogue)
  7. Arcade Gannon: "If I had to pick anyone who didn't belong in the Enclave, it would definitely be Johnson. He hated what the Enclave was doing. Day to day, week to week, he would question orders, subvert mission objectives, do anything he could to serve without serving. It's amazing he was never court-martialed. He always had good things to say about my father. Said I was like him in a lot of ways. I wish I knew."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "You live out here by yourself?"
    Cannibal Johnson: "Sure do. Had a wife for awhile - tribal girl, really pretty eyes - but she's been gone a long time now."
    (Cannibal Johnson's dialogue)
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Courier: "Who's Sergeant Dornan?"
    Cannibal Johnson: "He was a drill instructor I knew. He was also the meanest bastard I've ever known. Once, he caught this private out of uniform and old Dornan went off on the most ear-blistering rant known to man. It was inspiring."
    (Cannibal Johnson's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "So, are you a cannibal?"
    Cannibal Johnson: "Ha. I'm not saying. It's part of my mystique, after all."
  11. The Courier: "It sounds like there's an interesting story behind it."
    Cannibal Johnson: "[SUCCEEDED] The truth of it is that I did cut out a raider's heart, but only took a bite to mess with his buddies. They had me surrounded and I went with the first thing that came to mind. Some ran, and the rest were startled just long enough."
    (Cannibal Johnson's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "How much money do you owe this Reaper guy?"
    Cannibal Johnson: "What? I was talking about Death, kid. Guess that one went right over your head, didn't it? Old Sergeant Dornan would've had a field day with you."
    (Cannibal Johnson's dialogue)
Enclave Symbol (Fallout 3)
Enclave Symbol (Fallout 3)