Camden Park | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Camden Park is a location in Fallout 76.
Camden Park was a pre-war amusement park located in the Ash Heap region of Appalachia. It was advertised as "Rides, Picnics, and Fun For All" with a common theme of Mr. Fuzzy bear. At some point after the Great War, a group of raiders set up camp under The Widowmaker roller coaster, while the Responders set up a small camp just inside the park entrance.
Points of interest[]
The park features a medical vending machine by employee office and restroom and an automated vendor robot near the front entrance. The raider camp under The Widowmaker roller coaster has an armor workbench, a power armor station, and two cooking stations. There is a weapons workbench near the tail-end of the park rides, behind the guest restrooms. A deceased member of the Order of Mysteries can be found on the northern bridge of the Strip Miner train track. There are also several unique Mr. Handy robots with unique, amusement park-themed dialogue:
- Zoe: A chipper southern drawling robot promoting a hot-dog eating contest. "I gotcha hot dogs right here! Hot dogs!"
- Zeke: A stereotypical prospector-like robot promoting the Lucky Mucket game. "Hey there! Got a hankerin' to explore? The Lucky Mucker is the game for you!"; "Muckin' is hard work. This here Lucky Mucker ain't. Give it a go and see for yourself?"
- Zach: A slightly malfunctioning Mr. Handy that, while attracting customers, does so in a very robotic tone and method. "Bzzt. Mode: ATTRACT. Procedure: SAY Greetings customer. Come try my contest ID: DROSS TOSS. Win Prize: MR FUZZY TOKENS!"
All these robots, as well as the rest of the robotic staff and security, are led by the Robobrain known simply as "The Boss".
Notable loot[]
- Reading List: On desk of employee office, next to terminal.
- Best Plan Ever: Nailed to support beams under The Widowmaker, next to a fusion generator.
- Thoughts of the Day: On top of The Widowmaker control panel, on platform.
- West Bridge Key: Inside backpack on front roller coaster train car on top-most track.
- Potential bobbleheads
- On the small ride cart with the skeleton, on the tracks just below the "Minor Miner Zone" sign.
- On the file box between the two filing cabinets, behind the desk with the terminal on it, in the metal employees-only warehouse.
- On the roller coaster "hut", at the summit of the first ascent, just above a crashed roller coaster train (that's halfway up the track), on The Widow Maker ride.
- On the barrel by the green plastic outhouse, at the ruined Raider stall, on the north side of the camp in the middle of The Widow Maker ride.
- Potential magazines
- On the deck, by the fallen metal magazine carousel by the ice cream sign, under the boarded-up ice cream stall, south of the "Sugar Heaps" Trading Post.
- In the green plastic outhouse, at the ruined Raider stall, on the north side of the camp in the middle of The Widow Maker ride.
- On the seat next to the Checker Tie Mr. Fuzzy, on the penultimate cart of the stalled roller coaster train (the horizontal train, not the vertical one near the hut), on The Widow Maker ride.
- Potential power armor
- In the raider camp with the roller coaster.
Behind the scenes[]
Camden Park exists in real life, near the town of Huntington, West Virginia. The in-game location is noticeably-smaller than its real-world counterpart and lacks many of the attractions, such as a swimming pool, log flume, golf course, haunted house, roller rink, and even a small zoo. A common trait between the two is the park sign that advertises the park as "Rides, Picnics, and Fun For All", however, the in-game location features the Mr. Fuzzy bear on the sign, while the real-world location features a clown on the sign.
Notable loot[]
- Dynamic spawns
- Food and drink: Random Nuka-Cola, Sugar Bombs, potato crisps, bubblegum
- Junk:
- Pencil
- Wooden block - I & D, wooden block - V & F, wooden block - B & Y, wooden block - N & S
- Toy rocketship, toy alien, new toy car, toy truck, new toy truck, souvenir sloth toy, souvenir toy car, Giddyup Buttercup front leg, Giddyup Buttercup back leg, and Mr Fuzzies: Gold tie, silver tie, ruby tie, orange tie, emerald tie, purple tie, red tie , checker tie, spooky time, candy fan
- Blast Radius board game , Catch the Commie board game , Autopsy board game, Rad Poker board game
Camden Park appears in Fallout 76.