The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Caesar's Legion safehouse
22380 20180907124105 1
22380 20180907124238 1
22380 20180907124246 1
Icon settlement small
Caesars Legion Safehouse loc
Map MarkerCaesar's Legion Safehouse
FactionsCaesar's Legion
QuestsA Trusted Aide
Cell NameSafehouseLegion (exterior)
SafehouseLegionINT (interior)
ref id000e1979 (exterior)
001592ea (interior)

The Caesar's Legion safehouse is a small house built into the side of the mountain near the old nuclear test site in Fallout: New Vegas.


The safehouse has been adapted for use by Legion operatives carrying out orders west of the Colorado River. Veteran Atticus is responsible for maintaining this and other safehouses, ensuring they are stocked with supplies.


The safehouse is inaccessible until the player reaches a Liked or better reputation with the Legion. Lucius at the Fort gives the key to the safehouse with his compliments (it's added by script, so it can't be stolen from him).

The safehouse is then permanently accessible and Atticus will appear every three and a half days (84 hours) to offer a selection of supplies: Two random skill magazines, two doses of Cat Eye, or two Stealth Boys. Even if the player has a negative reputation, these supplies can be obtained if the player wears a Legion disguise.

Even if locked, the player can use the campfire outside. The interior is divided into two rooms. The entrance contains a sofa and the Legion's banner and Atticus will stay there when present. The basement is stocked with Legion gear, weapons, a pure water source, and three beds that can be used by the player.

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]


Caesar's Legion safehouse appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.
