The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon info
This is a lore summary, presenting intradiegetic or in-universe information about the subject. For game characteristics and similar data, consult the table on the right.
Game-specific articles
FO TacticsBus
Fallout 3City Liner
Gametitle-FOTGametitle-FO3 OA
Gametitle-FOTGametitle-FO3 OA

A bus is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers.


City Liner[]

Fo3 Cityliner Bus
Gameplay article:

This model of pre-War buses were the staple of wheeled public transport nation wide. Large, spacious, and capable of carrying dozens of passengers, they were the working mans' preferred commute method. This model is notable for being operated by the D.C. Metro Service Bureau at the time of the Great War.


Fo3 Megaton Vargas Home Ext

Broken down after two centuries of neglect, salvage jobs, and collateral damage, the Capital Wasteland buses are little more than empty shells now. Useful for little more than shelter and firefight cover, buses are periodically seen to act as temporary storage for hidden-away loot. Wastelanders should be wary around buses in decent condition, as enough damage can still cause for some to explode.

School bus[]

Gameplay article:

Gray paragraphs are based on Fallout Tactics and were not confirmed by primary sources The bus is a heavily modified pre-War school bus, uparmoured and fitted with a plow by the Eastern Brotherhood in order to serve as a long range, large scale transport.

