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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
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Part ofPoint Lookout
Gametitle-FO3 PL
Gametitle-FO3 PL

Buoys along the Point Lookout coastline mark the location of hidden containers in the waters. Buoys are easily located in the fog due to their bells. The actual caches are found underwater, directly below the buoys. As you search, keep an eye on the oxygen gauge or keep stimpaks at the ready.


The buoys are numbered consecutively, going clockwise around the map, starting in the northeast corner.

Buoy 1[]

East of Coastal Grotto.

Buoy 2[]

Southeast of Coastal Grotto.

Buoy 3[]

Northeast of USS Ozymandias.

Buoy 4[]

South of USS Ozymandias.

Buoy 5[]

Southeast of Calvert Mansion, Northeast of the Lighthouse.

Buoy 6[]

East of Sub Recovery Site, West of the Lighthouse. Halfway between them.

  • 1 safe (locked-average)
  • 1 ammunition box (locked-very easy)
  • Lockers
  • 1 first aid box
  • 1 suitcase

Buoy 7[]

Northwest of Sub Recovery Site.

  • 1 gun cabinet (locked-easy)
  • 3 metal boxes
  • 1 first aid box
  • 1 footlocker (locked-very easy)

Buoy 8[]

Directly south of the Duchess Gambit.

  • 1 safe (locked-average)
  • 1 lawn mower
  • 2 ammunition boxes (1 unlocked other has very easy lock)
  • A mini nuke under a half buried basket (directly in front of the lawn mower)
  • 1 footlocker

Buoy 9[]

Southeast of the Disaster Relief Outpost (washed ashore and partially covered by sand).

  • 1 safe (locked-very easy)

Buoy 10[]

South of Dove Delta

  • 1 trunk
  • 1 safe (locked-easy)

Additional Submerged Treasure[]

Location bouy10

Additional Loot Location

South of the Disaster relief outpost, on a ship beneath the water.

  • 1 safe (locked-very easy)

East of Buoy 9, southeast of the Disaster relief outpost, in the cabin of the stranded ship.

  • 1 safe (locked-easy)

North of USS Ozymandias, spilling out of an underwater crack in the hull of a half-submerged shipwreck.


Buoys appear only in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.
