After the Brotherhood defeated the psychicBeastlords, they moved south to this bunker to firmly establish a secure area of operations. General Simon Barnaky was stationed here before he was taken prisoner by Toccamatta. He was shortly replaced by general Dekker.
Many of the inhabitants of this bunker are already known: Tiduk, Shauri, and Celsius, the medical officer. The quartermaster is Arugula, while the squad management is regulated by Yeoman. Murdock and Bartholomew Kerr are trading some valuable stuff here. Paladin Lancelot could be seen there as well. Hillary Eastwood is present in the command room during the meeting with the elders. Deathclaw Matriarch and Elliot Nesting are seen as guests here. Also, Hazmat, the ambassador from Kansas City, would
come here to help the Brotherhood with the nuke, if his people were saved.
You can find an easter egg object (more credits comment on it) in a locked locker, and the quartermaster will gamble with you.
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