The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, Hispanic
AffiliationLittle Lamplight
LocationLittle Lamplight
Dialogue FileBumble's dialogue
QuestsThe Kid-Kidnapper
Combat StyleDefault
assistanceHelps Friends and Allies
Alignment500 Good
SPECIALStrength: 3
Perception: 4
Endurance: 3
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 7
Luck: 7
Derived StatsHit Points: 10
Fatigue: 50
Critical chance:
Melee damage:
Unarmed damage:
Poison resistance:
Radiation resistance:
Tag SkillsLittle Lamplighter (Lamplighter)
Barter: 12
Big Guns: 12
Energy Weapons: 14
Explosives: 33
Lockpick: 14
Medicine: 12
Melee Weapons: 12
Repair: 12
Science: 12
Small Guns: 39
Sneak: 39
Speech: 12
Throwing, unused: 0
Unarmed: 12
Editor RaceHispanic Child
Editor IDBumble
Base ID00015699Ref ID00036fee
ScriptSCRI - Script: SCPT - Script [0008957C] <BumbleSCRIPT>
Editor FactionsLamplightSouvenirtFaction
Package 00062AB8 (BumbleFollowSlaver)

Package 00062AB9 (BumbleReturnFromSlaver) Package 00062AB7 (BumbleFollowPlayerToSlaver) Package 00051E76 (BumbleWaitAtSlaver) Package 0003700D (BumbleFollowKnockPackage18x2) Package 0003700C (BumblePlayNearLucyPackage16x5) Package 0003700A (BumbleAskJoseph11x0) Package 00037008 (BumbleJosephClassPackage7x6) Package 00037007 (BumbleSleepPackage21x4) Package 00037005 (BumbleLLPLayDefault)

ActorStephanie Joy (FemaleChild01)

Woah! You're big! You must be the biggest kid here!

— Bumble, Fallout 3.

"Bumble" (Betty) is six years old and the youngest citizen of Little Lamplight in Fallout 3.[1]


The youngest member of Little Lamplight, Bumble is six and the closest to a carefree child to be found in Little Lamplight. She's only just learned how to fire a gun but hasn't tried it out yet, because she literally doesn't have the strength to pull the trigger. She sometimes carries around a teddy bear that used to be her mother's and has been passed down through generations of Lamplighters. Lucy treats her like a little sister. She's also clumsy and prone to knocking into objects, which earned her her nickname. She is extremely naive.[1]


Bumble spends most of her time in the Schoolhouse either with Joseph (or, "Uncle Joseph" as she calls him), or with Lucy in the clinic.

Daily schedule[]

Bumble is likely to be found at the schoolhouse building. If she is not there she sometimes can be found in the main cave.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
Mesmetron icon
This character can be enslaved with the Mesmetron.
This character is a temporary party member.
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.

Other interactions[]

  • If you have the Child at Heart perk, she reveals that her real name is Betty.
  • Depending on how the player introduces him or herself, she will dismiss the player saying either "Mungo" or "Buh-bye Vault Dweller" - this changes only if the player reveals that information.



Icon armored vault suit
Blast-off pajamas
Assault carbine icon
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • Penny, when asked how she likes the classes in while in the schoolhouse, will say "It's great, but Bumble's always bugging Joseph when he is trying to teach me." then say "she's just jealous because she doesn't have a brother anymore." This suggests she did have a brother, but it is uncertain whether he left Little Lamplight for Big Town, was killed in the wastes, or just disappeared from Little Lamplight.
  • It is possible to keep Bumble as a follower for a short while. As soon as you exit Little Lamplight, open up your Pip-Boy and fast travel to your desired destination, instead of bringing her to the slaver. When arriving you will see that Bumble is still with you. She will not follow you into houses or anyplace that causes a loading screen. Upon returning outside, she will either have disappeared, or, in the case of walking through Megaton's gate, she will still be around, however she won't follow you anymore, and will walk back to Little Lamplight. She can be given a weapon, but she will never equip it and always runs away at the first sign of an enemy, and will not come back to follow you once they are gone, making her useful only as a packmule.
  • Although she is technically "enslavable" only the Child Slaver can really enslave her, not the player.


Bumble appears only in Fallout 3.


  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 PlayStation 3Icon ps3 After Bumble is taken by the Child Slaver outside of Little Lamplight and the player speaks to Eulogy Jones to receive the Boogeyman's hood, it is possible to once again select the dialogue to lure a child out of Little Lamplight. Bumble will then reappear in Little Lamplight still wearing the slave collar and can be lured outside again to the Child Slaver. However, the dialog between the two will not unfold as it should and they will stand there indefinitely.
  • If you decide to kill all of the people at Paradise Falls to free the captured Little Lamplight characters you can still have Bumble go with the slaver if you previously talked to Eulogy about capturing the kids at Little Lamplight, but if you do you don't get a reward and the characters go inside the slave pen, into the slave room and disappear.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.62: "Betty "Bumble"
    The youngest member of Little Lamplight, Bumble is six and the closest to a carefree child to be found in Little Lamplight. She's only just learned how to fire a gun but hasn't tried it out yet, because she literally doesn't have the strength to pull the trigger. She sometimes carries around a teddy bear that used to be her mother's and has been passed down through generations of Lamplighters. Lucy treats her like a little sister. She's also clumsy and prone to knocking into objects, which earned her her nickname. She is extremely naive."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)