The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Broken ProSnap Deluxe camera
F76 Broken ProSnap Deluxe camera
Component ofProSnap Deluxe camera
QuestsBucket List
Base ID004845b2

The broken ProSnap Deluxe camera is a miscellaneous item in the Fallout 76 added in the Wild Appalachia series of content.


A broken ProSnap camera that can repaired into a functional ProSnap Deluxe camera during Bucket List.


  • Bolton Greens: Found on Anne Litzinger's corpse one the lip of the fountain.
  • Colonel Kelly Monument: Found on Ansel Abrahms' corpse on a nearby bench.
  • Landview Lighthouse Found on Anne Litzinger's corpse at the top of the Lighthouse.
  • The Giant Teapot: Found Ansel Abrahms' corpse on a picnic table in front of the teapot.
  • Randomly found in various containers after completing the quest.