Attacks immediately if aggroed Aggression: Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight. Assistance: Helps allies: Will help allies. Confidence: Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.
Editor ID
EncBrahminTemplate (all brahmin are templated from this creature)
Brahmin are two-headed cattle that mutated after the Great War. However, their role in society has changed very little as they still provide meat, milk, hide and manual labor. This makes them an integral part to any settlement as well as the caravans that connect them.
Brahmin are similar to normal cows, except for the obvious fact that they carry two heads on their shoulders, in addition to twice as many stomach chambers and testicles (for males). They are naturally docile creatures, but will charge and headbutt anything they perceive as a threat with their horns.
These bovids are rarely found in the wild, and are usually penned up in settlements or traveling the roads with a caravan. As such, they are not confrontational at all and will only attack if attacked first, and even then, they might just run away instead.