The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Bradley's shack
FNV Bradley Shack
FNV Bradley Shack Int
Icon settlement small
Bradleys Shack loc
Map MarkerBradley's Shack
Cell NameSLAbandonedShack01 (exterior)
SLAbandonedShack01INT (interior)
ref id000e1983 (exterior)
00153928 (interior)

Bradley's shack is a small shack in Fallout: New Vegas, located south-south-east of Nipton and the Mojave Drive-in. As the name suggests, it used to belong to Bradley.


A small shack built into the slope of the New York Mountains, decorated with an American flag, propaganda poster, and with a motorcycle parked directly outside. A band of Jackals has recently set up shop outside, with the owner nowhere to be seen.

There's a campfire just outside the shack. Inside, any interlopers are greeted by a tripwire connected to a rigged shotgun pointed at the door. If they survive, they can ransack the messy shack, which contains a bed, a Very Easy-locked first aid box, two ammunition boxes, and assorted loot, including caps and grenades.

With the JSawyer modification loaded, the mercenary bonus pack will be placed here, consisting of the lightweight metal armor, mercenary's grenade rifle and assorted miscellanous items.

Notable loot[]


  • Due to the small size of the shack, bringing followers can cause the player to become stuck, especially if they nap on the bed. ED-E is very prone to blocking the player.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 It is possible to fall off the map at the very base of the door.


Bradley's shack appears in Fallout: New Vegas.
