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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Scribe Bowditch
Fo3 Bowditch
Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, African American
Hair StyleAfrican American baseHair ColorBlack
Eye ColorDark brown
AffiliationLyons' Brotherhood of Steel
Proctor of the Scribe Order of the Shield
RankHigh Scribe[1]
LocationCitadel, Laboratory
Dialogue FileBowditch's dialogue
QuestsThe Replicated Man
Combat StyleDefault
assistanceHelps friends and allies
SPECIALStrength: 3
Perception: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 4
Luck: 6
Derived StatsHit Points: 40
Fatigue: 50
Critical chance: 6
Melee damage: 1
Unarmed damage: 1.15
Damage resistance: 0
Poison resistance: 15
Radiation resistance: 6
Tag SkillsScribe
Medicine: 51
Science: 51
Speech: 49
Editor IDScribeBowditch
Base ID000156ecRef ID000210e4
Editor FactionsBrotherhoodSteelGenericFaction
ActorJeff Baker
Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FO3 BS
Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FO3 BS

I like to think that I've still got some big achievements left in me, although some of my joints seem to disagree these days. I'll tell you what the low-lights of my time have been though: every time I've been shot at. I'm a scribe, not a soldier!

— Scribe Bowditch, Fallout 3.

High Scribe[1] Bowditch is the Proctor of the Order of the Shield and head of the chapter's smithy in Fallout 3.


Scribe Bowditch is the Proctor of the Order of the Shield, responsible for maintaining the defenses of the chapter. Notably he was the mastermind behind the establishment of the Citadel out of the ruins of the Pentagon, complete with its crane-operated outer gate.[2]

A true master of his craft he is responsible for a lot of innovations over the past few years. His specialty is power armor, for which he has extensive knowledge and expertise. Spending much of his time obsessing over ways to improve it.[3][4] Although getting on in years, he believes that he has some big achievements left before he passes on the position to a younger scribe. As a younger scribe he obviously went on excursions with the Knights. Making note that the time he was shot at was always the low point of his carrier.[5]

A very knowledgeable scholar he is among the few to be acquainted with the Brotherhood's own history. Claiming to be able to fill several texts on the organizations details.[6] He is also well known for his conversational prowess, impromptu comparisons of which say that he could talk a dog off a meat truck.[7] He thinks of the chapter first, and sometimes repairs equipment for outsiders.[8]

As a moderate Bowditch is not dejected by Lyons' changed mission. In fact this new, abnormal doctrine is something he is proud to be apart of.[9] However as time went on and the lies obfuscation eventually boiled over, the traditionalists left the chapter. With the hardliners hating them as much as they do the local super mutants.[10] This schism in the chapter deeply discourages him,[11] as he believes that this ideological schism is the biggest challenge the Brotherhood has ever faced.[12]

A true moderate, he is completely uncomfortable speaking ill of either party, and wishes that they both could agree–at least–that they are on the same side. Noting that there are more important problems to attend to.[13] Such as the super mutants, whom think of his brothers as more a canned meal than a military force. Noting, to his horror, of the mangled remains of his brothers that were being pulled through their own armor.[14]

Daily schedule[]

During the day Scribe Bowditch can be found at the smithy in the Citadel laboratory. At night, he sleeps in the barracks that are located on the other side of the laboratory.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon severed ear
This character drops an ear when killed (Contract Killer).
This character can repair items. Repair cap: 51
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.



Icon armored vault suit
Brotherhood scribe robe
Assault carbine icon
10mm pistol
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • Compared to the other members of the Brotherhood in the Citadel, Scribe Bowditch is abnormally easy to pickpocket (which makes an easy way to get a scribe outfit).
  • Scribe Bowditch is spoken about throughout the Citadel as very talkative.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Hrm? Yes, hello. I've heard about you. We don't get many strangers here in the Citadel, especially those who walk about unescorted."
  • "I am Proctor of the Order of the Shield. I oversee the others in my Order, and make sure our defenses are up to snuff. Do you know how long it took to fortify these ruins? From the husk of the Pentagon I carved a grand Citadel! No easy task, my friend! Ah, but that was yesterday, when all we had to worry about was those damn Super Mutants. The Enclave, now... That's a different problem altogether..."
  • "They're sporting some pretty impressive Power Armor, I'll give them that. The Advanced Mark II. But that's all right. With a few modifications, our own armor will more than handle anything they throw at it."
  • "They're relentless. Like nothing I've ever seen before. I honestly think they see our Brothers in Power Armor as some kind of... canned meal. Some of the... pieces... we've had brought back. Men and women ripped in half. Some pulled through their armor. Just horrible."
  • "Oh yes, I can. In fact, I suspect I could write several texts on the various details of the Brotherhood. But I suspect you're in a hurry, so what particulars would you like to know?"
  • "I'm afraid the answer to that is a lot more nuanced than others might suggest. Brotherhood members are sworn to acquire and protect technology of the past. But not everyone interprets these oaths in the same way. Elder Lyons sees these duties as part of a larger dedication to protect the innocent. Some, like the Outcasts, disagree with these priorities."
  • "It's a rather sad story, I'm afraid. Last year, some of our soldiers had grave disagreements with the decisions of Elder Lyons. Disagreements spiraled out of control, and there was a schism in the ranks. The loyal soldiers practically threw out the dissenters. Now they call themselves the Outcasts."
  • "Where Elder Lyons has fought to protect the people of the Capital Wasteland, the Outcasts demanded we move on and leave them to their fates. They insisted there was more important technology to be recovered in a scientific base in the ruins of Fort Independence, to the West. As callous as their decision may be, it's more in line with our original mission. Elder Lyons is an inspiration to us, but to them he's a traitor."
  • "The soldiers rallied behind Paladin Casdin, who was one of Elder Lyons' original squad. They served together for over twenty years. Casdin was well-respected, and every bit as loyal to the Brotherhood as Elder Lyons. He just disagreed with the interpretations of our oaths. But when disagreements turned into fistfights, he left with the Outcasts. We lost more allies that day than we ever have to any battle."
  • "Lyons and Casdin would have to agree to any sort of reconciliation, and that's pretty unlikely. They're both quite proud and... stubborn. Me, I just wish there was a way we could all agree that at least we're still on the same side. There are bigger problems out there, after all."
  • "As much as some of our soldiers would like to see them shot for deserting, there's not much we can do. We're too busy with the Super Mutants. Meanwhile, they're busy seeking out new technology and trying to get back in contact with the Brotherhood out West. So our paths rarely cross, but it's never pretty when they do. I just hope things cool down before it gets worse."
  • "It is a rather discouraging subject, isn't it?"
  • "I like to think that I've still got some big achievements left in me, although some of my joints seem to disagree these days. I'll tell you what the low-lights of my time have been though: every time I've been shot at. I'm a scribe, not a soldier!"
  • "It seems like whichever challenge we're facing is always the biggest one. Survival at first, then expansion, and now cohesion. We've seen plenty of Wasteland freaks or would-be dictators. They're not too bad, at least we've faced that sort of thing before. But more recent events, like the schism with the Outcasts... Those are the problems that worry me."
  • "I suppose that I can. The Brotherhood can make use of Wasteland currency to trade."
[read more...]


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 A script error can be noted when talking to Scribe Bowditch about the Scribes, You can ask, "Which order do you serve, Squire Bowditch?"Template:Verified


Scribe Bowditch appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Although only referred to as "Scribe Bowditch" in game and in the Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition, he reports to the Head Scribe and outranks all the generic Scribes of the chapter. Therefore, he is a High Scribe of the chapter.
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Which Order do you serve, Squire Bowditch?"
    Bowditch: "I am Proctor of the Order of the Shield. I oversee the others in my Order, and make sure our defenses are up to snuff. Do you know how long it took to fortify these ruins? From the husk of the Pentagon I carved a grand Citadel! No easy task, my friend! Ah, but that was yesterday, when all we had to worry about was those damn Super Mutants. The Enclave, now... That's a different problem altogether..."
    (Bowditch's dialogue)
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.95: "Scribe Bowditch
    Scribe Bowditch is assigned to the Smithy and is responsible for a lot of innovations over the past several years. His specialty is Power Armor, and he spends much of the time obsessing over ways to improve it."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "So... Any thoughts on the Enclave?"
    Bowditch: "They're sporting some pretty impressive Power Armor, I'll give them that. The Advanced Mark II. But that's all right. With a few modifications, our own armor will more than handle anything they throw at it."
    (Bowditch's dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "What have been the highlights of your time with the Brotherhood?"
    Bowditch: "I like to think that I've still got some big achievements left in me, although some of my joints seem to disagree these days. I'll tell you what the low-lights of my time have been though: every time I've been shot at. I'm a scribe, not a soldier!"
    (Bowditch's dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "Can you tell me more about the Brotherhood of Steel?"
    Bowditch: "Oh yes, I can. In fact, I suspect I could write several texts on the various details of the Brotherhood. But I suspect you're in a hurry, so what particulars would you like to know?"
    (Bowditch's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "Outcasts? Who are they?"
    Artemis: "I'd really don't want to go into it. Go bug Scribe Bowditch. He could talk a dog off a meat truck."
    (Artemis' dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "Could you repair my equipment?"
    Bowditch: "I suppose that I can. The Brotherhood can make use of Wasteland currency to trade."
    (Bowditch's dialogue)
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "If so many people agreed with him, maybe he has a good point."
    Bowditch: "That's the thing, really. Casdin's "technology first" sort of attitude is more traditional in the Brotherhood always used to operate, out West. But somewhere along the way from there to here, Elder Lyons made sure we watched out for the people, not just the technology. To some of us, that was noble. I guess to Casdin and his crew, it was just soft. I wish they could see some sort of middle ground."
    (Bowditch's dialogue)
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "Well, good riddance to them. If you waver in your oaths, you get punished."
    Bowditch: "You sound like some of the hard-liners. We all served together for years, but now some of the soldiers hate them as much as the Super Mutants."
    (Bowditch's dialogue)
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "Enough about the Outcasts."
    Bowditch: "It is a rather discouraging subject, isn't it?"
    (Bowditch's dialogue)
  12. The Lone Wanderer: "What's the biggest challenge the Brotherhood has ever faced?"
    Bowditch: "It seems like whichever challenge we're facing is always the biggest one. Survival at first, then expansion, and now cohesion. We've seen plenty of Wasteland freaks or would-be dictators. They're not too bad, at least we've faced that sort of thing before. But more recent events, like the schism with the Outcasts... Those are the problems that worry me."
    (Bowditch's dialogue)
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "It sounds like it was quite a loss. Is there any way to reconcile them?"
    Bowditch: "Lyons and Casdin would have to agree to any sort of reconciliation, and that's pretty unlikely. They're both quite proud and... stubborn. Me, I just wish there was a way we could all agree that at least we're still on the same side. There are bigger problems out there, after all."
    (Bowditch's dialogue)
  14. The Lone Wanderer: "Care to share anything about the Super Mutants?"
    Bowditch: "They're relentless. Like nothing I've ever seen before. I honestly think they see our Brothers in Power Armor as some kind of... canned meal. Some of the... pieces... we've had brought back. Men and women ripped in half. Some pulled through their armor. Just horrible."
    (Bowditch's dialogue)