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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Bonnie Springs
22380 20180904150458 1
Icon ruins
Bonnie Springs loc
Map MarkerBonnie Springs
Cell NameBonnieSprings
ref id000dad7e

Bonnie Springs is a location in Fallout: New Vegas, located almost due north of the Goodsprings Cemetery, north-east from the Tribal Village or south-east from Spring Mt. Ranch State Park.


Originally the springs were within the Paiute peoples homeland for centuries. They moved their dwellings into small enclaves in the rocky cliffs to the west after immigrants took their land. The ranch at the natural springs was first established in 1843, as a watering stopover for wagon trains going to California on the Old Spanish Trail. The place would latter be built up in the 20th century as a tourist stop, including among other things a replica 1880s mine.[1] Now the location is crumbling into the dirt, it's memory and true history slowly fading. Although it is still used as a landmark for travelers and is occasionally picked over. The latest of whom are a gang of Vipers.[2]


Bonnie Springs is an abandoned ghost town, with a single main street leading to a boarded-up saloon, flanked by destroyed and otherwise derelict buildings. The town is occupied by well armed Vipers, four regular gangers and two leaders equipped with plasma grenades and a trail carbine respectively. Once killed, the area will be taken over by cazadors on return visits. Wiping out the cazadores can lead to a blind deathclaw spawning here.

Notable loot[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Bonnie Springs is based on a real location in Nevada. Officially called Bonnie Springs Ranch, it's been used as a movie set in countless western movies, creating the iconic western look that the game's location replicates.


Bonnie Springs appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Bonnie Springs Ranch on Wikipedia
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collectors Edition p.298-299: "[1.20] Bonnie Springs
    Slowly fading from memory and crumbling into the dirt is the old mining ghost town of Bonnie Springs. Use this location as a landmark. The ghost town itself is being ransacked by around six Viper Gang members with two Leaders. Be sure to loot a Unique set of Spiked Knuckles from the one who tries to hand-to-hand combat with you. Then check the second building porch for a couple of Star Caps."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)