The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fo1 Boneyard Townmap
Map MarkerBoneyard
Followers of the Apocalypse
Gun Runners
New California Republic (2189)
LeadersJon Zimmerman (Adytum)
Nicole (Followers of the Apocalypse)
Razor (Blades)
Gabriel (Gun Runners)
QuestsFind Children spy in the Followers.
Fix hydroponic farms in Adytum.
Exterminate the Deathclaws
Kill Razor
Get weapons for the Blades
Free Adytum from the Regulators
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The city of Los Angeles must have been the largest in the world before the War. The L.A. Boneyard stretched forever, the skeletons of buildings lying under the hot sun. Not even the wind entered this dead city.

Vault Dweller's memoirs

The Boneyard, also known as Angel's Boneyard[1][2][3] after it was annexed by the New California Republic, is a city upon the remains of Los Angeles, named so both for its devastated skyscrapers, reduced to their metal "skeleton", and for skeletons of the dead that littered the city after the Great War.


Main article: Angel's Boneyard

Most people in L.A. who survived the nuclear blasts died after the bombs dropped, due to radiation poisoning, disease, famine, and other reasons. The city itself was ravaged by fires and nuclear bombs themselves – in fact, one of the warheads effectively turned Orange County into a crater. Some inhabitants took shelter in the demonstration vault, and eventually most of them emerged in 2092, founding the Boneyard.[4] Many of them were the founders of Adytum, a fenced sections in the suburbs of the old Los Angeles. Some, however, founded gangs, like the Blades and the Rippers.[5]

In 2155, the Master learned the location of the Los Angeles Vault, conquered the inhabitants and set up operations there, and the human cultists began to use the vault as their powerbase. Eventually, a monumental building known as the Cathedral was constructed above the vault. The cultists thus became known as the Children of the Cathedral. Of those that remained in the Vault, most became the Master's servants and members of the Children of the Cathedral. Those that left could be part of almost any organization in L.A.[6]

In the 2150s, a pack of deathclaws appeared in the Boneyard, taking over the base of the Rippers. In 2159, Jon Zimmerman, the town's mayor, hired a band of mercenaries known as the Regulators to help protect Adytum from the deathclaws and the odd random attack by raiders, who by 2161 were in control of Adytum. The Vault Dweller recounts that "[he] found many enemies, and a few friends, in the Boneyard. [He] killed when necessary and learned more about the nature of [his] true foes." Sometime during his journey in the Boneyard, he killed the deathclaws which allowed the Gun Runners to expand their business.[7]

By 2189, the Boneyard became one of the states of the New California Republic and Adytum became known as New Adytum, holding seats in the NCR Senate.[8] As one of the largest cities on NCR territories, it was a natural choice for many organizations to place their headquarters. Thus, by 2281, the Boneyard is host to the Republic's Reserve[9] and the Follower's Angel's Boneyard Medical University[10] among many others. As the NCR now has control over the Boneyard, it has become much more stable, with the buildings rebuilt, redecorated and renovated. However, some people that live there claim it is not the best place to grow up,[11] indicating the NCR still has some work to do and are working to fix it.[12]


The Boneyard can be found one square west and seventeen squares south of Vault 13.

Los Angeles Public Library
Boneyard Downtown
Deathclaw warehouse


Fo1 Boneyard Adytum

Watch yourself, we'll be watching you

Main article: Adytum

Directly to the southeast, in what was once called Lakewood, lies Adytum, one of the most important settlements in the Boneyard. Lakewood used to be in-land before the war, but the nuclear devastation wrought upon the city caused flooding and destruction of the coastline. The result? Adytum is a coastal settlement. In 2241, after the Boneyard becoming one of the states of the NCR, the Adytum was renamed the New Adytum.


Fo1 Boneyard Nightclub

Not good to be stuck between the Regulators and the deathclaws

Main article: Boneyard Downtown

Downtown is home to a nightclub, which was used in 2161 as a living space by the Blades and their friends.


Fo1 Boneyard Fotress

You want to buy good weapons and armor?

Main article: Fortress

On the northwest outskirts of the city, near where the city of Whittier once stood, lies the Gun Runner factory, where they first settled as small-time weapons manufacturers around 2161.


Fo1 Boneyard Library

We sell peace

The former Los Angeles Public Library lies in Culver City, on the opposite end, home to the Followers of the Apocalypse, a peaceful community that migrated into the city sometime before 2161 and settled in the library, dedicating themselves to spreading enlightenment and preventing war. By 2281, they established a Medical University within city limits and are single-mindedly dedicated to spreading knowledge across the wastes.


Fo1 Ripper Warehouse

Watch out for deathclaws!

Main article: Deathclaw warehouse

Between Downey and Norwalk lies a destroyed warehouse, that was once home to the Rippers, before deathclaws wiped them out and occupied the building as their lair, becoming a scourge on the area by 2161.


  • Caesar was born here. His father died when he was two years old and after, his mother became a Follower of the Apocalypse. He also joined the Followers of the Apocalypse later in his life.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Jesse Heinig originally had a much different vision for the Boneyard due to his not knowing the historical connotations of the Regulators. He leaned more toward making it "like Mad Max": a functional community under assault by lawless gangs. It was Leonard Boyarsky's decision to redesign it.[13]


The Boneyard appears only in Fallout and is mentioned in Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas.



  1. Fallout Official Survival Guide p.153: "The Boneyard, also called "the Angels' Boneyard," is the far-flung rubble of a destroyed city ... Los Angeles. There are numerous locations of interest within this area."
  2. The Vault Dweller: "{1010}{}{Boneyard}"
    Chris Avellone"{1110}{}{This place is the Angel's Boneyard, the remnants of the old city of Los Angeles.}"
  3. The Vault Dweller: "{1001}{}{Boneyard}"
    Katja:"{1101}{}{The Angel's Boneyard is all that's left of the old city of Los Angeles. Mostly divided among warring factions, these days.}"
  4. Fallout Bible 0: ""2092 LA Vault opens, the Boneyard is founded and attracts survivors."
  5. The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{Tell me a bit about the other residents of Adytum.}"
    Lorraine: "{156}{}{Lots of people lived here. From what I hear, the survivors hid in a big place called a Vault, and came out years later. Some of them started the Regulators and then founded Adytum, while the }"
    "{157}{}{others formed the Blades. The Gun Runners aren't from here originally.}"
  6. Fallout Bible 0
  7. Fallout Bible 0
  8. The Courier: "Why are funds tied up at the Boneyard?"
    Hanlon: "Senate elections are coming up. Local representatives don't want to push any more funding to the Mojave campaign because it's unpopular. Most of the folks around the Boneyard haven't been to New Vegas and probably never will. All they know is that their money gets sucked away to this desert and their brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters die here."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  9. File:FNV 5$ bill.png, File:FNV 20$ bill.png, File:FNV 100$ bill.png
  10. The Courier: "Are you one of the Followers of the Apocalypse?"
    Usanagi: "Yes, I am. I received my medical training at the Angel's Boneyard Medical University back in the NCR. It's not a requirement to be a Follower to enter the university, but I believe in what they do, so I joined them."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "So, what's your story?"
    Razz: "Ain't much to tell. Grew up out west, in the Boneyard. Heard of it? Yeah, not many people have. Wasn't really a good place for kids, you know? I joined up to get out. My family's still back there."
    (Razz's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "How is NCR doing?"
    Hanlon: "It's no secret that we've had better campaigns. Holding this whole length of river isn't easy. We're stretched thin and the Long 15 just keeps getting longer. Slow to get supplies. Slower to get reinforcements. NCR's senate has got funds tied up at the Boneyard and President Kimball ordered our most experienced rangers to chase ghosts down in Baja."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  13. Jesse Heinig on Twitter Oct 30-Nov 6, 2016
Los Angeles Boneyard
Fo2 NCR Seal