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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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For an overview of raider armor throughout the Fallout series, see Raider armor.
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Bombshell Armor
Raider Ordinance Armor
Bombshell armor icon
DR24Item HP150
EffectsBig Guns +10, Explosives +10
Leather armor
VariantsRaider ordinance armor
QuestsMill Worker
base idxx00b510
Gametitle-FO3 TP
Gametitle-FO3 TP

Check out this cutting edge of fashion! Wear this armor, and everyone's going to want to get close to you. Which just means they'll be inside your blast radius, huh?


The bombshell armor is a unique piece of armor in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.


The bombshell armor is a unique variant of the raider ordinance armor, although it can be repaired with leather armor. It provides a damage resistance of 24 as well as bonuses of 10 to Big Guns and Explosives. The Bombshell armor weighs 5 pounds more than the regular ordinance armor, despite not being any different in appearance.


The armor is rewarded by Foreman Everett in exchange for 60 steel ingots.

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