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Icon disambig
For the male player character equivalent perk, see Lady Killer.
Black Widow
Black Widow
Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas
RequirementsLevel 2
Female player character
Effects+10% damage against male opponents
Additional dialogue options with male character
base id00094eb8
Fallout 4
RequirementsCharisma 2
Level 1, 7, or 16
Effects+5% damage against male human and ghoul characters per rank
Male characters are easier to persuade and pacify using Intimidation
base idRank 1: 00019aa3
Rank 2: 00065e31
Rank 3: 00065e32

In combat, you do 10% extra damage against male opponents. Outside of combat, you sometimes receive unique dialogue options when dealing with the opposite sex.

— In-game description, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas

The Black Widow and Lady Killer perks grant bonus damage against members of the opposite sex, and make it easier to persuade them in dialogue.

Fallout 4 loading screen hints

Black Widow is a perk for female player characters in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4.


This is a mixed combat/dialogue perk, giving a flat bonus to damage against male characters and either unique dialogue options (Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas) or reduced persuasion difficulty against male characters (Fallout 4).

The perk only works against male human and ghoul characters. Animals and creatures like feral ghouls are unaffected.

Additional dialogue options[]

Fallout 3[]

Character Location Effect
Mister Burke Megaton Allows for seducing Burke, resulting in him either doubling the pay or abandoning blowing up the bomb altogether in The Power of the Atom.
Dukov Dukov's place Allows for receiving his key for free in You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head.
Karl Meresti station Receive the password to Ian's room during Blood Ties.
Mechanist Robot repair center Peacefully end the struggle with the AntAgonizer (and receive his costume as a bonus).
Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA Defender Morrill Outcast Outpost Provides an alternate method of accessing the elevator to the outpost. No gameplay effect, as the player receives access regardless.
Mothership ZetaGametitle-FO3 MZ Paulson Mothership Zeta Allows for learning Paulson's motives for wanting revenge.
The PittGametitle-FO3 TP Ramsey Train tunnel Allows for buying slaves back from the slaver.
Ronald Laren Girdershade Allows for convincing Laren to go to the Nuka-Cola Factory in exchange for the promise of a threesome. He dies in the factory, however, and the Kneecapper can be fished off of his corpse.
Operation: AnchorageGametitle-FO3 OA Sibley Outcast Outpost Pacifies Sibley, making him lead the player to the Protector without complaining. It does not prevent him from attacking the player and McGraw at the completion of the DLC.
The PittGametitle-FO3 TP Wernher Steelyard Additional 120 5.56mm rounds during Free Labor.

Fallout: New Vegas[]

Character Location Effect
Benny The Tops Allows for seducing Benny and having sex with him in his suite. The player is then provided with the option of strangling him in his sleep, living up to the perk's name.
Chris Haversam REPCONN test site Allows for convincing Chris that he's human during Come Fly With Me, allowing the player to sabotage the rockets.
Carlyle St. Clair III North Vegas Allows for seducing Carlyle by implicating that the player character wants to have sex with him in the dumpster. Saves the trouble of placing his body in it for Mortimer to pick up during Beyond the Beef.
Dazzle Gomorrah Sex at half price! Lifetime discount! 50 caps instead of 100!
Dead MoneyGametitle-FNV DM Dean Domino Puesta del Sol Allows for convincing Dean to stay put and do his job for the Gala without having to turn on the holograms.
Jack Nellis Air Force Base Allows for flirting with him during Young Hearts.
Janet Crimson Caravan company Allows for convincing her to visit Jack during Young Hearts.
Old Ben Freeside Allows for convincing him to become an escort again during Wang Dang Atomic Tango.
Honest HeartsGametitle-FNV HH Ricky Northern passage Enables a rather brutal response to him offering sexual favors to the player's character.
Swank The Tops Allows the player to ask for work, which will cause Swank to gift them 100 caps to buy something pretty for themselves.
Tyrone Primm Allows for getting the chemical supplies for free, in exchange for sex.
The Courier's brain Forbidden Zone Allows for flirting with the Courier's brain. It doesn't like it.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Black Widow is a common name for women who exploit men to their advantage, often to the point of exhaustion. It's derived from the mating behavior of Latrodectus hesperus, where the black widow female will often eat the male after copulation, unless it manages to escape.