This remote storage and disposal facility has been operated by Cole & Parker Holdings Ltd., leasing secure, shielded domes to a variety of parties. Before the Great War, its two major clients were Greene Custom Defense Systems (at least 1 dome) and Nuka-Cola Corporation (at least 2 domes).[1] Its earlier function was the manufacture of high explosives for the United States military and for this reason it was folded under the command of the Department of Defense's Reclamation and Renovation branch. It appears, though, that the facility suffered a catastrophic fate before the war, with its acid vats quite simply exploding, rendering it useless for the war effort.[2]
Points of interest[]
Black Mountain Ordnance Works is a complex spread out over the area. The main grounds are to the west, overlooking the shores of the river, with eight ordnance domes scattered throughout the woods to the north, on the other side of the road, and to the southeast of the ground. The domes are all locked and require locating keys.
Potential power armor: Northeast of the Black Mountain works, inside the locked domes.
Alien blaster ammo: In the UFO dome.
Plan: T-51 Power Armor Nuka-Cola Paint: Nuka-Cola collector's dome, northern side of the road, center dome. The key to the door is available after following a trail of clues and other keys:
Dead guy by Pylon V-13, on the ground near the entrance scaffolding. Contains a toolbox key, which leads to...
A toolbox on the Watoga shoreline, east from Shopping Plaza, by the body of a woman on the sandstone formations. The key inside leads to
A dog house in Sutton, north of Red Rocket, which contains a key to a locker in...
Nuka-Cola Kanawha plant. The locker is located behind the counter in the testing sign-in/interview area. The key leads to Dome 3 at Black Mountain Ordnance Works. The plans for the paint will spawn on top of the cart, but are not instanced. Players only get one per server.