The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, Caucasian
Eye ColorGreen (EyeGreen)
RoleBig Town guard
LocationBig Town
Dialogue FileBittercup's dialogue
QuestsBig Trouble in Big Town
Bittercup Runneth Over
Combat StyleDefault
assistanceHelps Allies
Alignment0 Neutral
SPECIALStrength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 4
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Derived StatsHit Points: 10
Fatigue: 50
Critical chance:
Melee damage:
Unarmed damage:
Poison resistance:
Radiation resistance:
Tag SkillsVillager (Villager)
Barter: 34
Big Guns: 13
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 15
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 32
Melee Weapons: 36
Repair: 13
Science: 13
Small Guns: 15
Sneak: 15
Speech: 15
Throwing, unused: 0
Unarmed: 13
Calculated: 2 → 6
Editor RaceCaucasian
Editor IDBittercup
Base ID0002796aRef ID00027f12
ScriptSCRI - Script: SCPT - Script [0002C117] <BigTownResidentSCRIPT>
Editor FactionsBigTownFaction
Package 0002ECDB (MS01MobCheer)

Package 0002D94F (MS01Mine4) Package 000929BE (MS01GuardCenterOfTown) Package 000C2530 (MS01HideMineLearnFollowRed) Package 0002D93C (MS01MineLearn) Package 0002D937 (MS01Robot2) Package 0002D936 (MS01Robot1) Package 000C2531 (MS01RobotLearnFollowRed) Package 0002D938 (MS01RobotLearn1) Package 00064EFA (MS01ShootMutants4) Package 00030613 (MS01RunToHide4) Package 0002C114 (MS01HideAt4) Package 0002C110 (MS01HideLearn) Package 0002BF70 (MS01ShootAt8From8) Package 0002BF6F (MS01ShootAt7From7) Package 0002BF6B (MS01ShootAt6From6) Package 0002BF6A (MS01ShootAt5From5) Package 0002BF67 (MS01ShootFrom7) Package 0002E73C (MS01MobGreet) Package 0002E73B (MS01MobWait) Package 00028C78 (BigtownBittercupPatrolDuty20x12) Package 00028C4B (BittercupSleep12x8) Package 0002FBBD (BittercupDefaultHome)

ActorJan Johns
Gametitle-FO3Game tile Fallouit Shelter
Gametitle-FO3Game tile Fallouit Shelter

Oh, hey. I was just trying to think of a word that rhymes with gloom. Hmm...

Bittercup, Fallout 3

Bittercup is one of the citizens of Big Town in Fallout 3..


Apathetic, self-involved, and rebellious, Bittercup is the lone exception to Big Town’s desperate, overwhelmed atmosphere. She has completely retreated into a one-woman subculture of her own making, spending time applying makeup and wearing dark clothing instead of guarding the town against attack. The other residents of Big Town are fed up with her, but there is little they can do about it, with the threat of Mutant and Raider attacks being a more pressing concern.[1]

She has been involved with all of the men in Big Town at one point or another. She had a romantic interest in Pappy, whom she left after arriving in Big Town, believing that he was a liar. She will give the player a random selection of items if you visit her in Big Town. On rare occasions, this item may be stimpaks.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.



Icon armored vault suit
Merc adventurer outfit
Assault carbine icon
Lead pipe
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • Regardless of your character's gender, if you flirt with Bittercup successfully, she will declare you her next love interest.
  • It is revealed through dialogue that Bittercup wears chalk from the Wasteland on her face as makeup.
  • If you give her a better weapon by reverse-pickpocketing (for example to use when defending Big Town from the super mutants) she will still be using her lead pipe later in the game.

Notable quotes[]

  • "If the Mutants get you, come back and haunt me."


Bittercup appears in Fallout 3, and as a legendary vault dweller in Fallout Shelter.


  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 PCIcon pc Xbox 360Icon xbox360 You may keep getting ammunition from her even after saying, "I'm not even going to begin to tell you what's wrong with that question" when asked if you are seeing anyone. This also occurs with the dialogue asking if Bittercup was hitting on the player.
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 PCIcon pc Xbox 360Icon xbox360 When visiting Big Town, Bittercup may be found dead on the ground. The cause of her death is not clear as she may be found dead inside buildings.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.62-63: "Bittercup
    Apathetic, self-involved, and rebellious, Bittercup is the lone exception to Big Town's desperate, overwhelmed atmosphere. She has completely retreated into a one-woman subculture of her own making, spending time applying makeup and wearing dark clothing instead of guarding the town against attack. The other residents of Big Town are fed up with her, but there is little they can do about it, with the threat of Mutant and Raider attacks being a more pressing concern."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)